Focus: Relative Merits of Product or Brand? * Kindle Fire vs. iPad * iPad has a seamless integration of all of their products (brand) * Kindle users have a more utilitarian focus (product) * Ask “where is the power?” – it always depends
Brand or Product? * Branding challenges * Savvy customers – we can get information in an instant * Brand proliferation: more brands, and brands carry more product * Media fragmentation * Increasing competition and costs * Short-term demands * Product as discussed in BA390 * What is a product? A complex bundle of satisfactions * Total product concept
Augmented product
Augmented product
A Product Dissected * Actual product
Actual product
Outside level = …show more content…
* Salience – in what category do you fit and space do you occupy? * Meaning – what are you? Points of parity and distinction? * Performance and imagery * Response – what about you? * Judgments and feeling * Relationship – what about you and me? * Resonance
Block 1 – Brand