There are clearly more questions than answers right now about what has caused Apple’s iPhone 4 woes -in particular, the phone’s antenna design and the company’s struggle with supply and demand. Apple recently released the fourth generation iPhone with a design flaw in the antenna that substantially degrades the reception when held in the palm of your hand. This, in turn, has created the problems the company has had with meeting the needs of the consumer, as well as with the future launch of the white version of the iPhone 4. Rumor mill says the white phone’s manufacturing delays are a direct result of Apple’s covert attempt to correct the antenna design issue prior to its release. The iPhone 4 is currently experiencing longer wait times, as new customers are waiting an average of three weeks for delivery of their new device. This has been an ongoing issue since the first day of preorders, when the company sold 600,000 phones and had to suspend sales. Apple has continued to struggle to keep pace with the consumer’s high demand of this product, however, there is no official word from the company about the supply shortages and its efforts at narrowing them. In this chapter, the process analysis will be examined as it relates to these two issues.
To better understand the iPhone 4’s recent struggles, it is important to pinpoint the theories behind the company’s innovation. Apple recently increased their research and development expenditures and remains confident in their belief that R&D is critical to future advancements and growth. This effort directly relates to the timely development of new and enhanced products that are central to the company’s core business strategy. According to Steve Jobs, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Apple, the company does not perform market research or spend time on focus groups. Rather, Apple’s vision and product designs are based on Jobs’ and his team’s
References: Abilla, P. (2010). Customer Service: an iPhone Case Study. Retrieved 9 11, 2010, from shmula: Breillatt, A. (2010). You Can 't innovate Like Apple. Retrieved 9 10, 2010, from Pragmatic Marketing: Corporate. (2010). Apple Info. Retrieved 9 10, 2010, from Apple, Inc.: Eaton, K. (2010). Does poor iPhone 4 Design Cause Dropped Calls. Retrieved 9 11, 2010, from Fast Company (Mansueto Ventures, LLC): Segan, S. (2010). Apple iPhone 4 (AT&T) Review. Retrieved 9 10, 2010, from PC Magazine:,2817,2365675,00.asp Staff, A. (2010). AppleInsider Articles. Retrieved 9 11, 2010, from AppleInsider: