

Satisfactory Essays
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3.3 Background of problems

National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) held a picket to against the Hong Leong Bank Sdn. Bhd for descrimination towards its muslims employees. The employees claimed that they could not perform their solat (prayers) in the office premises. The management disallowed them from using any part of the office even the restroom but, they must find other place to pray. The conflict become worst when 27 employees were fired as they refused to transfer to other branches. They were asked to do so after denying the policies. Hong Leong Bank Sdn. Bhd It was written that 80% affected employees are Malays. NUBE decides to alarm the management with picketing as their report had no consideration by the authorities. The employees believe this is the only way to settle the dispute.
3.4 Analysis
The problem arises between Hong Leong Bank Sdn. Bhd and its employees prove there is non-harmonious relationship in their work-place. The employees were unsatisfied to the company’s policy that does not concentrate on their welfare and rights. This non-harmonious relationship not only shows that the management has discriminate the right of muslims but it also bias to the Malays’ citizen which become the majority of the country.
On behalf of National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) which is a national union that cover all workers in the commercial bank, the employees try to bring their union as a tools to approach their company. They enjoy the rights to have a legal association to assist them and protect their interest. Even thought the disputes is between the Hong Leong Bank Sdn. Bhd and its employees, other members of the union has unite to fight on their solidarity.

According to Section 40 of Industrial Relations Act 1967, any workers are allowed to give peacefully information or persuade other workers at or near the workplace when they have a trade dispute. NUBE held a picket as a collective bargaining to the Hong Leong Bank Sdn. Bhd’s authorities. Picketing

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