Everything in Its Path is a great book to read about disasters and about how it affects people in a horrific way. A disaster comes to destroy several lives and homes. It does not care about people’s feelings and who they love. A disaster will tear people apart physically and mentally. Communities that was once nice and happy going communities do not always bounce back the way they need to.…
Our current economy and civilization is unstable. The CO2 emissions, reproduction rates, and food production is alarming. In the lecture it stated that “estimates are that global demand is now 30% higher than that which is sustainable.” That means we are short food, and it is not looking good for the future. We are unable to produce food quickly, the temperatures are rising, and people are still uneducated about how the things they are doing impact our future. I think in times like these it would only take a small trigger to push people over the edge, which could impact civilization as we know it.…
Americans are often fascinated by the word apocalypse. When we hear the word apocalypse, we tend to normally think of the various media portrayals that we see on a daily basis. Whether it’s on your television, in a video game or in a movie theatre on the big screen. The individuals who are feeding us these falsehood portrayals of the apocalypse may be looking for a quick profit.…
Everyone responds differently to life depending on their perspective; this is determined by whether it is a spiritual or a physical perspective. This affects how people react to dire situations. Will devastation cause a downward spiral in the wrong direction or will it inspire hope? The way an individual reacts is determined by what they “see”. Some see circumstances as overwhelming, while others allow those same circumstances to catapult them into great hope.…
He said that his version of a true apocalypse would be a reoccurrence of the comet that ended the dinosaurs, or "human activities" that make the world's atmosphere too unsustainable for humans to survive. However, unlike Alejandra Guillen, Jonathan's fears on death do not influence his views on the apocalypse. His fears on death mainly concerns life after death, whether there is something out there after one dies, or if there is simply nothing. For the last question, whether he believes that the apocalypse is already happening, he responded, " Yes, negative human activity is becoming so rampant that we are destroying ecosystems, killing many species of flora and fauna thus we are slowly destroying the earth[']s natural environmental flow. It has been scientif[i]cally proven that we have entered the sixth great ex[t]inction which humans are at the base of". The results of these short questions were surprising to show that average people with ideas that are not related to one another, have a similar understanding or view of an apocalyptical world which humans have caused either directly or indirectly. Alberto, Alejandra, and Jonathan fear death; people fear death, but not enough to show resolve into improving Earth's…
The story itself begins in a non-linear fashion. The protagonist muses about the end of the world, and different scenarios that will bring about this end. He eventually reaches the conclusion that humans will wipe each other out. “We could find a way to feed any number of people and perhaps even a way to avoid wiping each other out with the bomb.” the protagonist mentions. “Those things we are very good at, but we have never been any good at changing ourselves or the way we behave” (Fast, 150).…
In “Cheer up, it’s just the end of the world” Ira Chernus explains how the unpleasant thought of apocalypse brings hope along with the fear. He tells how the idea of apocalypse transformed from the world ultimately ending and new world beginning, to a sudden end of the world with nothing being reborn. Chernus states that when climate change was recognized they labeled it apocalyptic even know the word had never meant a slow end to the world. With this in mind, he reveals that American culture has blamed so many things on apocalypse and diluted the meaning of the word, creating an era where an apocalypse is always around the corner. When there is a true apocalypse already, climate change, it is just slowly rising. Uniquely, he ended the…
Millions of people displaced, starving, and fighting each other to survive. This is the future of humanity in a world ravaged by climate change’s effects. Without taking action, powerful storms, droughts, and food shortages will only grow more severe; experts predict that 250 million will flee their countries by 2050. Sea levels will rise by almost two feet, flooding major coastal cities and leaving millions without access to food, water, or clean infrastructure. The lack of resources will bring about internal conflict, turning human beings against each other.…
A threat to Human society is the next pandemic. What will this Pandemic bring? How will the Human society prepare, or eventually do to prevent the Pandemic. The Gardeners from Margaret Atwood’s novel “The Year of the Flood” are a group of eco-subversives that prepare for a Pandemic. The Gardeners use different religions to make up their beliefs. In both “ The Year of The Flood” and the article by David Shenk “ How to Survive the Avian Flu, Smallpox, or Plague” tell the reader to grow food, stock pile food, and live an isolated life. In the article by Jared Diamond “ The Ends of the World as We Know Them” summarizes that: the people themselves have influenced all the past fallen Human societies. The Gardeners in Margret Atwood’s novel “ The Year of The Flood” are using their beliefs and putting them to use to help prevent a pandemic.…
On October 1971, Norman Podhoretz published an article in Commentary magazine titled, “Doomsday Fears and Modern Life.” In the article, according to the author: because of the destructiveness impact of the apocalyptic viewpoint, we must accept the, “Third alternative as a viable human possibility that the world has seen and inferior to others but in any case a viable possibility and a natural one” (6). In his introduction, he briefly gives the over-arching definition of apocalyptic thinking, which in his judgement is that, “The human species has reached a point at which it is about to destroy itself altogether and quite possibly the entire planet” (1). In regard to the topic of apocalyptic thinking, after he gave a quick definition of the phrase…
Is all the hype about man made climate change going to destroy the human race. In The 11th Hour by Leonardo DiCaprio, we hear and see the perceived effects man-made climate change is having on our planet. Flooding, hurricanes, and drought, all caused by man’s use of fossil fuels, our only chance of survival, eliminate our use of fossil fuels. Bill McKibben agrees with this theory, in “350 Science” he informs us the current level of carbon dioxide (CO2), 392 parts per million, is much too high. His suggestion is that carbon sequestering is necessary to prevent our destruction. Patrick Moore reiterates this theory in “An Inconvenient Fact”. He contradicts DiCaprio’s belief of curtailing forestry and encourages improved forestry as a tool for carbon sequestering. While The 11th Hour suggests hurricanes, and flooding are caused by man, Scott Mandia tells us differently in “The Little Ice Age in Europe”. In it he describes conditions in Europe during ice age periods that mirror the conditions DiCaprio and others predict in The 11th Hour. We know that the CO2 levels are rising, but the dooms day predictions are false and misleading. All of their predictions have happened in recorded history, during times of colder temperatures and lower CO2 levels. Drought and horrible storms will occur no matter what level of CO2 is in the atmosphere or the average temperature is, we need to dedicate more resources to preparing for these disasters.…
In "The Day After Tomorrow" a climatologist's warning of the possibility of massive cataclysmic climate changes caused by global warming go unheeded. His predictions of the consequences of such actions just so happen to occur sooner than anyone had ever expected. This movie served as the ultimate example what could happen if as a world community we do not clean up our acts. Continued consumption of nonrenewable resources, increased carbon dioxide emissions and further depletion of the Ozone layer could though most likely not on the scale illustrated occur in one form or another. The moral of this film is summed up by Dennis Quaid's character in the last scene when he mutters his last few lines stating that hopefully humanity can learn from it's mistakes.…
The rise in power of those who don’t believe that climate change is a serious issue is allowing others to believe all is well too. The planet now is showing other ways to get our attention. We are being punished now with storms that are getting more severe by the day, causing wave after wave of destruction, rising sea levels that threaten the entire ecosystem including the humans that inhabit it droughts that keep us from quenching our thirst, and the rise in communicable diseases that take advantage of the environment’s misfortunes.…
I have a dream, that in a near future, the people of this world will come together as one. We could all come together as one and leave all our differences of color, religion, and political views behind us, to stand together to face what Bill McKibben calls the greatest challenge and threat mankind has ever faced: global warming. In 2007 Bill McKibben, an author, educator, and environmentalist, wrote the article, “Global Warning: Get Up! Stand Up!” to persuade people that we, the people on earth, have caused, and are still causing, the climate changes that have been taking place over the past decades. More than that, however, McKibben explains that something still needs to be done about it. McKibben uses extreme, yet reasonable, examples and methods to convey this message effectively.…
Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction: concerned with the end of civilization either through nuclear war, plague, or some other general disaster. Post-apocalyptic fiction is set in a world or civilization after such a disaster. The time frame may be immediately after the catastrophe, focusing on the travails or psychology of survivors, or considerably later, often including the theme that the existence of pre-catastrophe civilization has been forgotten (or mythologized). Post-apocalyptic stories often take place in an agrarian, non-technological future world, or a world where only scattered elements of technology remain. There is a considerable degree of blurring between this form of science fiction and that which deals with false utopias or dystopic societies.…