In 'The Ideas of Frederick.W.Taylor: An evaluation ', there are various key themes and principles evident which have provided the foundations for some contemporary styles of management. The author suggests that Taylor 's concept of scientific management can be likened to the works of Thomas Edison. Scientific Management is Taylor 's most widely recognized principle. Taylor believed in a 'scientific approach toward managerial decisions making '. That managerial decisions should be based upon 'proven fact rather than on tradition... ' This principle proved to be most effective when selecting workmen and the time taken to complete a task, through scientific selection and time and motion studies, the man most suited to a particular type of work will be chosen, who is able to complete the work within a specific time frame through the 'one best way '. Taylor believed in the standardization of tools and procedures becoming cohesive, allowing for effective and efficient work time, with adequate rest and pause breaks and shorter working hours. To motivate the worker
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