Iron Man, also known as Tony Stark, is an influential scientist, inventor, and a member of The Avengers. As a young boy, Tony was fascinated with building and controlling machines. After the death of his father, he became the head of his father’s business, and made it one of the most profitable companies in the world. However, when he visited the war front, things have changed for him. He was captured and imprisoned, but he decided to use his skills to …show more content…
We both are very competitive, and have participated in science events. I participated in PJAS throughout middle and high school. I have placed first for five consecutive years regionally and placed 1st at the state competition in 2017. Stark is a futurist, who continually tries to improve his inventions. Similarly, I try to innovate and experiment with new ideas through science projects. Both of us are also very goal oriented. My goal is to pursue a doctorate in my field of study to match his level of knowledge. Like Stark, I will not stop until my goals have been satisfied, and once they are, I will continue to build on them. We both also act as the center of attention, drawing others toward us to listen to our ideas. We both possess an interest in the business field. Stark developed weapons and sold them to the government. This relates to my interest through participation in DECA. In DECA, I was given a situation, and had to create a product to sell based on the guidelines. Like Tony, I was successful in all of my