Now wears his crown” (1.5.46-47). Claudius’s brother was a great warrior that probably ruled with ideas of justice and moral balance but Claudius is a corrupt politician, he rules with manipulation and does not even feel guilt for catalyzing the fall from grace of so many characters. He schemes and manipulates other characters to get what he desires. When Claudius was certain that Hamlet knew of his lie about his brothers death he planned a match between Laertes and Hamlet in which Hamlet was not suppose to come out as the victor. Claudius will stop at nothing to maintain his power if he has he heart to murder his own brother, he will have the heart to murder anyone that blocks him from his goal. It is his own scheming that leads to his death, if power is gained by lies and manipulation more lies and manipulation must take place to maintain it and that life can only be held a secret for so long. The constant deaths, spying and confusion led many to become mad. His lack of guilt can be seen when he openly shows his affection for his wife in front of Hamlet and does it in a very obnoxious way. This affection for his wife is questionable because of his need for power. It is not certain whether or not Claudius actually has sincere feelings towards Gertrude or whether she is just another character playing a part in his lie, something that just came along with what he truly wanted, the crown. However even though his motives for marrying the queen are questionable, if he does not truly love Gertrude he covers it up well, showing once again his good use of manipulation. He openly shows affection and even declares his love in words, “The…
-Shakespeare employs dramatic irony in many of his tragedies, so that the audience is engaged, and so they are able to witness characters errors in their action, predict the fate of the characters, and experience feelings of tragedy and grief.…
Through King Claudius’s choice to murder former King Hamlet and marry Gertrude, he betrays his brother, Hamlet, and even his own morals. This act of disloyalty and deceit turns Claudius against the other characters, and leads to their eventual demise.…
Ophelia loves Hamlet although we believe he doesn’t feel the same way towards her by the way he treats her at certain times in the play, but he truly in the end does show he loved Ophelia. This incident manipulates audience sympathies, develops character and develops the conflict of the play.…
Prince Hamlet, having returned home from school in Germany arrives to an upsetting scene to say the least. His father, King Hamlet is dead and his mother Gertrude has already remarried. Not just to any man either, the king’s brother Claudius who has already taken possession of the throne. As the gravity of the situation continues to sink in for Prince Hamlet he begins to suspect correctly that his uncle Claudius was responsible for his father’s death.…
Throughout the course of the play, Claudius is manipulating the royal court and Hamlet. Immediately following his murder of the late king of Denmark, he cons the royal court into believing that the passing of the late king caused him much grief. However, Claudius exhibits no contrition for murdering the king because of “fruits” he had gained from it: “[his] crown, [his] own ambition, and [his queen]” (III.iii.59). He has no intention of handing over the “fruits” of his crime, that he is well past any chance of redemption. Claudius is unwilling to surrender everything he has gained from his crime because it was those ambitions that drove him to commit the murder in the first place. Claudius maintains his power by acting in favor of the people’s anticipations. Even after he had already wed Gertrude, Claudius confessed his sorrow for the late king and how he was overcoming his sorrowed heart to the royal court to be strong for the kingdom (I.ii.10-12). Claudius hastily shifts from the sadness over the late king and merriment of marriage to his future proposals and allegiance to Denmark (I.ii.17-38). In addition, Claudius also requests permission from Laertes father, Polonius, to authorize Laertes to go to France, as opposed to authorizing Laertes himself (I.ii.59-65). This generates favor from the people…
From an audience-response perspective, Shakespeare intentionally leaves parts of the play vague. Ophelia’s unclear cause for death, Claudius’ supposed guilt, and Hamlet’s true desire for revenge and just some of the cases where Shakespeare leaves the specifics vague as to allow the audience to formulate their own interpretations. There are small hints regarding the truth behind Shakespeare’s intentions, such as when Gertrude claims that Ophelia’s death was an accident, while providing small details that make the audience ponder whether or not Gertrude witnessed Ophelia’s death and if her death was an accident as Gertrude claims. This leaves the audience questioning the validity of Gertrude’s claims and what really happened to Ophelia. Claudius proclaims his guilt for his brother’s murder; however he is hesitant to recant what he has done for fear of losing his possessions and power. Does Claudius actually feel guilty about murdering his brother since he had not repented for his murder? Hamlet seemingly has a desire to get vengeance for his father, yet he doesn’t act in the name of this revenge quest. It makes the audience question if Hamlet’s true goal is actually vengeance. If it is, why doesn’t he act on it? These questions Shakespeare intentionally leaves open for the audience to make their own interpretations. Through this unique writing style Shakespeare uses, he is allowing for the audience to formulate different, unique ideas regarding the…
Hamlets mother Gertrude betrays her first husband, the first king of Denmark. This betrayal comes in the form of a hasty marriage to the king’s brother Claudius, who we find out later murdered his brother in an attempt to acquire the crown. This is an act of betrayal on Gertrude’s part, because she should be in mourning of the her first husband’s death, but she immediately enters another marriage, with the kings brother. This is a betrayal to Hamlet because his father was killed, and his mother soon marries the man who we find out is responsible for it. We find out that Claudius killed his brother and Hamlets father with poison, we find this out when Hamlet is visited by a ghost in which Horatio cannot identify but shows itself to Hamlet as his father, it is at this time that the ghost tells Hamlet how he really died and who was responsible . When Hamlet learns of this news, he is enraged with the news and he begins looking to get revenge on the murderer Claudius. Hamlet throughout the play begins to doubt his sanity and if he should kill his uncle Claudius or himself “To be or not to be…….” (Hamlet), this is an act of betrayal on Hamlets part.…
I feel very sympathetic towards Hamlet because the Ghost is explaining to him that King Claudius was the one who killed him – the rightful King. This passage is an example of Dramatic Irony because no one besides Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus, knows that King Claudius killed Hamlet’s father; King Hamlet. I feel sympathetic towards Ophelia because after she went to her father (Polonius) about Hamlet acting strange, he stated that Hamlet is madly in love with her, yet has already forbidden her to see him any longer. This passage is an example of Dramatic Irony because the readers, Horatio, and Marcellus are the only ones aware that Hamlet is only acting mad, where as everyone else thinks that he is truly going mad.…
Claudius is unique in many ways. When we first see claudius, we see him as an intelligent ruler. The crown on his head represents him being the new King of Denmark. He gives a speech that makes his country proud and in it, addresses his brothers death. The magic hat shows that although he seems innocent, he is not. Hamlet says “O villain, villain, smiling damned villain.”(I, v, 107) Hamlet is saying that although Claudius is smiling and happy, he is still a villain. He deceives characters into thinking he is one person, when in reality he is completely different. The string puppet shows Claudius’ manipulative ways. These sneaky and manipulative ways lead to the death of Polonius in Hamlet’s hands. In Act 4 Claudius tries to convince Laertes that he was not at all responsible for Polonius's death. Instead of punishing Hamlet for Polonius’ murder himself, he sent the prince to…
Hamlet is the story of a young prince whose uncle has married his mother shortly after his father, the King of Denmark 's, death. Hamlet presumes, but is never clear as to whether or not Claudius has killed the king. It is also uncertain if Hamlet 's mother, Gertrude is involved because of how quickly she married Claudius, and how deep their relationship appears to be. Hamlet 's uncertainties about the events that surround his father 's death delay any action of revenge that he wants to take against his uncle. This delay in…
Hamlet is in a situation where his sanity is turning into insanity. He is like one of those people who tell so many lies that they start believing their own lies. Hamlet's acting is so vivid to him that, unconsciously, his state of mind has become irrational. He is turning against everyone in order to follow the orders of revenge from his father's ghost. In order to do so, he is finding any possible way to bring out the guilt in everyone due to his father's murder. In Act III, scene ii, Hamlet has written parts for players to put on a show for Claudius in order for him to bring out the guilt within Claudius. The play doesn't affect Claudius until it is revealed that Lucianus, the kings nephew, is the one that kills the king. Claudius then cries out due to the fear of Hamlet killing him. Also, in this scene, Hamlet admired Horatio's level-headedness and calmness because those are some qualities that Hamlet lacks. Hamlet tries to break his mother down in Act III, scene iv, Hamlet comes to speak to his mother because she believes that he has offended Claudius. In return, Hamlet tries to break her down by putting her sins in front of her because she married the king's brother so soon after his death. When she cries for help, innocent Polonius enters and Hamlet says "How now! A rat?" and kills Polonius because he thought that it was Claudius. Hamlet's insanity is like a blind rage. He is so focused on revenge that he doesn't realize what he is doing. Hamlet is taking sick…
This is mainly because Claudius says, “Or thinking by our late dear brother’s death / Our state to be disjoint and out of frame” (I.ii. 19-21). He talks like he mourns the death of King Hamlet, and how something needs to be done with Denmark's current state. Although it is true that Claudius needs to help Danemark, the problem is that he is the one that killed King Hamlet. The Ghost of King Hamlet says, “The serpent that did sting thy father’s life / Now wears his crown” (I.v. 48-49). The new king, who is sad because King Hamlet died, was the one who killed…
Tragedies, and in particular Hamlet, depend on, and are written around, those who deceive. In the beginning of the story, King Hamlet is killed by his treacherous brother Claudius, who then, in essence, fooled Denmark’s people by becoming the next king, and marrying Queen Gertrude. Claudius then uses deceit as a means of maintaining his newly acquired status and power, covering up his motives and…
In Act 1 Scene 2 (from the beginning to Hamlet’s soliloquy), Claudius declares his marriage with Gertrude and explains why he married to Gertrude — his brother’s widow. While Hamlet is complaining about his mother’s marriage, and he thinks his uncle is a “satyr”. At that time, his view of the world was meaningless, useless and corrupt. He even wants to commit suicide if it is not a sin.…