there are a lot of evil people in this world. In the story the devil uses other people from the village to persuade Brown into worshiping him. He even tries to wage the safety of Browns wife Faith by saying “e’en go thy ways, Goodman Brown. I would not for twenty old women like the one hobbling before us that Faith should come to any harm (264).” The devil knows Brown really cares about his wife. It seemed in the beginning Brown wanted to join the devil, but had second thoughts by seeing his wife; which helped him make the right choice. In today’s generation, many are reliant on their family members for support and foundation for their lives. Occasionally, sometimes peoples thought process is not always the best. So having a person that brings out the best in you helps in the long run just as it did with Goodman Brown. He did not want to break his wife Faith’s heart by making the wrong choice. Goodman Browns decided to go into the forest and meet with the man disguised as the devil. Although Brown ultimately decided not to follow after the devil somehow he found himself at the ceremony. “Welcome, my children,” said the dark figure,” to the communion of your race. Ye have found thus young your nature and your destiny.”(268). It seems that the devil is saying that all humans are doomed to be his followers, even those that seem holy. In other words, no matter how positive you are evil will still come your way regardless of how hard you keep away. By having faith in yourself provides strength to not fall for evil traps. Which is hard because in today’s world evil is all around. One must be willing to be strong in any situation, and not give in to temptations. The devil will do anything to have you thinking negatively and doing destructive things.
The day Brown returned home is a prime example of how the devil can conflict your thoughts. These thoughts often leave a person feeling alone and hopeless. “ The next morning young Goodman Brown came slowly to the street of Salem village, staring around him like a bewildered man” (270). Brown returned to the village questioning everyone after the night he spends in the forest. Believing each individual of the village was on the devil’s side including his wife. To say the least the devil is a trickster. He can have a person believing whatever he wants them to think if they don’t have a strong enough will power. Goodman Brown let his guard down, and gave an entrance for the devil to manipulate him. Although Goodman chooses not to follow after the devil, he still was scared by his actions. Fear is the number one reason people tend to question themselves. It is said that fear is the devils way to keep one down. I have learned that anytime I am afraid prayer usually comforts me. Just as Brown I have faith in God that he provides my strength. The devil prided himself on Goodman Brown trying to turn him evil, however Brown proved his strength. “With heaven above & faith below, I will yet stand firm against the devil!” cried Goodman Brown.”(266). In other words, we learn that Goodman Brown overcome this situation. For one thing, this makes a significant statement today because in today’s society it is possible to overcome any situation; however it takes the right mindset. The fact Brown did not believe his own wife showed how much power he allowed the devil to take over him. This is a common trend in the 21st century. Weak minded people are usually easily targeted because they are full of envy. This group displays a common factor the sharks of our generation feed on, which is self-consciousness. Often they find themselves in situations where they have to make choices that are in their mind difficult. They seem difficult because they do not know how to trust their gut. With that being said, those who have faith will always prevail through anything. It compares to today’s culture because many people are looking for success. Some are willing to achieve it by any means necessary while others look for the short way out. Instead of working toward something one wants, by taking the short cut usually create problems. Having faith will get you through anything just by believing in yourself. Faith also establishes consistency and acceptance of failure. The broader culture of Goodman Brown’s time is considered holy and respectable people.
Through religion a person knows that the devil attacks anyone on God’s side to break them down and leave them feeling worthless. Goodman already knows the devil wants him to follow his evil ways, but he is not willing to go that way. “What if the devil himself should be at my very elbow!” (262). The irony of this quote is revealed because the devil was already waiting for him in the forest. In this moment Goodman’s instincts has kicked in. In today’s society, many people second guess themselves. A wise man said “never go against your gut because it is always right”. People that do not listen to their gut instinct usually find themselves in bad situations. In most cases mishap could have been avoided by listening to one’s …show more content…
The story makes a significant statement because people in this generation still prided themselves based on what they know. The reason why they do not follow their gut instinct is because sometimes they feel as it is wrong to do. This is an example of a person thinking with feeling and not with logic; which can lead to bad results. Faith, Browns wife knew something was odd about her husband’s trip. “… A lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts that she’s afeared of herself sometimes…”(261) She did not want to be alone and pleaded with her husband to stay. Brown followed his own will that led him to problems. These problems could have been avoided by simply listening. Most times people don’t want to hear that what they want to do is wrong. It took brown to experience the situation in the forest for his instincts to finally kick in. This example usually is the best way for people to learn valuable life lessons. In conclusion, by not trusting your gut instinct often is not the best decision to make.
Goodman Brown is an advocate of this statement because he was going to choose to join the devil’s evil ways, but chose not to because of his wife Faith; as well as him knowing is was wrong. Sometimes it takes other people to bring you back to one’s right mind. Not to mention, they can help you make important choices just as Faith did with Goodman Brown. Another way is by having faith in yourself to with-stand anything. Faith in this story is a symbol of Goodman’s strength. Although one’s thoughts can get the best of them, having faith allows one to remember their right from wrong. Temptations are everywhere and giving into them is usually the easiest thing today in order to prevent a self-battle. As long as one continues to practice their faith and follow their gut instinct forces like the devil cannot cause one to