Mr. Solchuck grew up in a small Ukrainian village where he was educated by a medieval priest. He believed that everyone spoke against what he had learned in that school was turning to Satan. He grew up in a place where “the sun rose in the East and set in the West,” … (Kreisel 143), this demonstrates how medieval Mr. Solcuck's education was, he literally grew up in a time and place that people believed the sun was mobile. This held him back his entire life as he could not even accept the possibility of new concepts. …show more content…
Solchuck is deeply offended when his son, Nick is practicing French under his roof. Kreisel includes this part of the story because it links to a bigger issue of Mr. Solchuck's poor education and ignorance. Nick Solchuck realizes about his father: “He wasn't mad but that he lived in the universe of the medieval church,” (Kreisel 143). This was Nick coming to the clearing of an internal storm representing the relationship between him and his father. Mr. Solchuck was holding strongly to what he knew to be