The article written by taylor covered a lot of ground and made several connections to the book that helped readers understand the book the lord of the flies more. One issue taylor brought up was the social classes of the children on the island. Taylor was questioning the fact that ralph was a military brat, and if that could've been
the reason he was the chief in the book. Taylor taked abot Jacks power hungry personality and question if Jack's family was rich and that was why he was power hungry. Overall Taylor really covered the social class in the book.
Taylor also wrote about his own beliefs in his article, he said several things he beliefs about the book the lord of the flies. Taylor goes on to admire Golding and on how his use of irony made the book very interesting to him. Then Taylor goes on to talk about the irony in the book; Like for example, when the children said they were going to play around until the grown ups come to rescue them, and how that playing turned out to be a big problem for them. Taylor overall really used irony to better him in writing his article.
Taylor overall used many types of literary criticism as well, and the fact that he could do that makes Taylor a really strong author. Taylor uses social classes, reader's response, and even goes into a little bit of psychoanalytical criticism. Taylor talks about how Piggy and why it hurt him when Ralph wouldn't let him use the couch. Taylor said that maybe it was because Piggy was wanting to be accepted because of his weight and appearance. Overall taylor covered a lot of ground on his article, and shows his talent as a writer.