Some other examples of ironical situations are given in the following scenes: the treatment of Dr.blifil by his brother captain Blifil after he got married to Bridget; the circumstances of captain Blifil’s death where the conduct of physicians called to examine the dead captain Blifil and they start to debate about the cause of his death. In the meantime Mrs.Blifil had fallen in a fit and then recovered from physician. She continued a whole month with all the decoration of sickness, and received constant message from her acquaintance to enquire after her health.…
Laurie Halse Anderson’s historical fiction novel, Fever 1793, takes place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mattie is the main character of the book. In the beginning of the book, she only thinks about herself and not about others. In the middle of the book, something tragic happens, and she has to learn to cope and mature throughout the rest of the book. By using descriptive words, and repetition, the author creates a lesson that when people mature, they learn to appreciate what they have, rather then be greedy.…
Edith Wharton’s short short Roman Fever, shows how people succumb to rage and jealousy from social competition, how emotions, especially love and hatred, can cause us to not think about the potential of seriously damaging consequences in the short and long term.…
Edith Wharton writes a brilliant story in “Roman Fever” that does the job of entertaining the reader in such a short amount of time. Published in 1934, Wharton chooses a setting that takes place in Rome in the 1920s. In short, “Roman Fever” tells the tale of two women, Grace Ansley and Alida Slade, who have been acquaintances for many years. After not seeing each other for a number of years, the two meet up on a terrace in Rome on a trip with their daughters. We see very early that the two women are quite envious of one another, Mrs. Slade especially. In a sense, there is a battle of money that occurs. After catching up, Grace Ansley learns that a letter that she received years ago, that she thought the whole time was written by Mrs. Slade’s husband, Delphin, was actually written by Mrs. Slade. It was all done to make Mrs. Ansley jealous. But before the leaving the scene, we learn that Mrs. Ansley is not the one that should be jealous at all. After all, she did indeed have her daughter Barbara with Delphin all along.…
Place it alongside Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” and you can easily identify the parallel story line and themes.…
Edith Wharton, a notable American author, was born in the aristocratic New York society. Wharton’s works during the cutting edge of realism. She delves below the surface of relationships too depict he truth about relations regardless of class. Her life and opinions were evidently influential and were reflected in her novels. Despite the stark differences in the settings of her works, The Age of Innocence and Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton’s view on love and relationships reveal that all affairs have the same outcome and she also explores how society can play an important role in relationships regardless the era and social class.…
“A great speech, rational or emotional, has the power to influence, challenge or persuade more than one audience.” Write an essay response supporting your argument to this statement in a close analysis of how three speeches have been crafted.…
I believe the central idea of “Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton is how present the past really is people judge you by your past, your life is determined by your past, and you are everything your past made you out to be. Her themes of choice, irony, destructive passions and the past is always present in the lives we lead today are clearly presented within her writing and made evident thru the storyline she uses. In “Roman Fever” two women who were friends since childhood now have hidden resentment towards one another and finally settle their feelings toward each other in the same place where their animosity arose. Past actions, feelings, and thoughts are never forgotten; instead they are locked away until a situation rekindles them or brings them into the light such as in the story “Roman Fever” the two “friends” are trying to “one-up” each other until the final climax where only one can walk away on top.…
T. Coraghessan Boyle uses irony in his short story Carnal Knowledge, which gives it a humorous tone. The way the narrator reacts to ironic events shapes our understanding of both him, and the meaning of the story as a whole; although humans can adapt to their surroundings to get want they want, they will always return to their original basic set of morals and standards.…
In literature, authors find different ways of expressing themselves by the stories they write. It is the setting, the characters, and the conflicts that keep the reader’s interest. Many readers are only interested in certain types of literature or certain authors. This study is based on an analysis of one poem, and two short stories, “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, “A Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, and “To My Dear and Loving Husband” by Anne Bradstreet. Both the short stories and poem show some similarities and differences in their settings, characters, and conflicts. I will examine how the authors have made an impression on me as a reader and how I feel they might impact others. I will explore how all three writers have delivered a message using their main characters in the importance of relationships in our society.…
The play begins with a criminal investigation taking place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wright. Mr. Wright was found dead in their bed with a rope around his neck, with his wife being the largest suspect. Mr. Henderson, the county attorney, Mr. Peters, the sheriff, and Mr. Hale, a neighbor and friend to Mr. Wright, gather around discussing the matter, while Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale stand off to the side, patiently waiting to be a help to personal connection if the men see fit (1362). Throughout the story, the men make light of any problem or important matter that the women may have, or have to offer. They initially notice how dirty and untidy Mrs. Wrights home is, and because this is very unordinary for the women of that time period, 1916, that made Mrs. Wright that much more suspicious. The men also bring up that though Mrs. Wright is held for murder, she is too busy worrying about her perseveres, an unimportant matter to any of the men (1365). Glaspell connected her title with the theme of her story with a comment made by one of her male characters, Mr. Hale, "Well, women are used to worrying over trifles". As though any problem, or worry a women may have is unimportant and exaggerated compared to any "real" issue, that a man might have. Near the end of the story, the women feel sympathetic towards Mrs. Wright for they know how it feels to be a women and they feel that perhaps her actions were justified, for her husband did strangle her beloved bird. Though they have gathered much evidence to close the case, the men do not feel as if their input will be worthy of solving the…
"Listen to me. You mock my blindness, do you?/ But I say that you, with both your eyes, are blind" (I, 195-196). With these memorable words, the sightless prophet Teiresias all but paints the entire tragic story of Sophocles' Oedipus the King, one of the most prominent pieces of Greek literary heritage. Greeks knew and loved the story of Oedipus from childhood, just as children today cherish the story of Cinderella. In his version of the beloved tale, Sophocles concentrates his attention on the events directly leading to Oedipus' destruction, portraying Oedipus as a helpless pawn of fate. The most prominent literary device is dramatic irony, primarily of the spoken word, through which--especially in the Prologue--Sophocles captures audience attention, illuminates Oedipus' arrogant personality, and foreshadows the events of the final scenes.…
In Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”, and Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat”, the main characters in both of these short stories are the making of male influence, in this case negative influence, and much of their anger and hatred is intermixed with occasional feelings of adoration8. For these two female characters in "A Rose for Emily" and "Sweat", their troubles are the outcome of male control, and even though their anger is showed and solved in different ways, these two characters delve into despair and isolation because of the male influence and control in their lives; the affect it has on them is their anger and hate towards these male influences.…
Dramatic irony is a literary technique, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. --- In the beginning of the play the narrator says, “From forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life, whose misadventured piteous overthrows both with their death bury their parents strife…”(I.i.5-8). In this quote it is telling the audience that Romeo and…
Chapter II. Peculiarities of the lexical Stylistic devices (metaphor, metonymy, irony, simile, epithet) in the novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen…