This short story includes two protagonists, Ulrich Von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym, who were born as enemies, as these two men carry on a lifelong feud over land. When tragedy strikes and these two men are trapped under a tree, they must put their differences aside and attempt to help each other survive. Saki keeps the story interesting and entertaining to the very end but also teaches the readers about
forgiveness. …show more content…
The setting of this story gives readers a look into a dark wooded forest in the mountains. The area appears to be a good distance away from anyone who can quickly get to them to offer help. The sound of wild game gives the setting an eerie feeling and fills the reader with suspense.
Ulrich and Georg are both strong-minded, stubborn men. Revenge is something they both desperately seek to get from the other. These two characters are unlikeable at the beginning of the story but readers will find themselves enjoying them by the end of the story. They’re dislike for each other is shown when their relationship is described as
“No one living can remember seeing a Znaeyem and a Von Gradwitz talking to one another in friendship” (pg. 192). However, as the plot continues and develops the characters see they must put their hostility for each other aside and become friends.
Georg Znaeyem is quoted saying “Ulrich Von Gradwitz, I will be your friend”. (pg. 192)
Even at this point, they silently continue a competition between them as each one wished for their men to arrive first and be the one to save them. “Both men spoke with the bitterness of possible defeat before them, for each knew that it might be long before his men would seek him out or find him; it was a bare matter of chance which party would arrive first on the scene.” When the night grows deeper and no one has arrived to save them, tragedy strikes again with Ulrich whispering “wolves” (pg.
I would recommend this story to readers of all ages. This was an intense story that teaches readers about life, tragedy, and forgiveness. These two men came into the forest to find and fight each other but ended up fighting wolves instead. They found forgiveness and a new outlook on life. Saki reveals a powerful ending to this story which explains exactly the point he was trying to give to the readers.