Based on a story written by William Golding in 1973, the movie The Princess Bride a 1987 an American comedy, romance and adventure film was rated number 50 on Bravo’s 100 funniest movies, number 88 on the Americans film institute’s greatest film love stories and 46 in channel 4’s 50 greatest comedy films list. The princess Bride is a wonderful romance, comedy and action sequence as it promotes ideal heroes for us to follow. It has a nostalgic feeling that reminds us of our childhood when stories always had a happy ending and only characters only had black and white personas. The grandfather telling the story stated that he had edited out all of the parts of the story that were ‘good’ meaning that reading a story inspires one to create.
The birth
Westley’s character is that of the archetypical hero with a slight hint of a rebel as shown as they try to take back the princess from the prince’s castle. Westley was neither child of divine or royal parentange but a mere farm boy. This works to inspire future generations that one does not need to be blessed with intellect or power but that one can earn it through hard work and determination. The mask is an ingenious device used for deception and suspense. Despite being cliché, it layers elements of realism and suspense into the story.
The quest
Despite the outwardly appearance of a typical …show more content…
Fezzik and Inigo Montoya helpers of Westley manage to presuad a parody of a magician archetype named Max the miracle maker manages to save Westley with impure motives of vengeance in mind. This effectively symbolizes human nature as we always have an ulterior reason for helping someone. Everyone loves miracles but no one cares about reason so Westley was resurrected. A cliché but extremely effective idea called the apotheosis theme was absent from the