A cough is one of the primary reasons for which individuals seek health care. Despite, its well-known benefits as a defense mechanism, its etiology can be the result of many ailments, including those that affect the respiratory system. Consequently, recognizing it cause(s) can be a challenging and daunting clinical task. Therefore, it is crucial that clinical providers, complete a focused physical exam, including diagnostic studies that are well supported by the patient's symptoms to make an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
As an Advanced Practitioner, I would inspect the chest …show more content…
A Rapid respiratory rate may be due to the presence of an interstitial pulmonary process or the result of a restrictive chest condition. Furthermore, the presence of slow, gasping ventilations is often a suggestive sign of cerebral hypoxia and ineffective gas exchange. Irregular breathing is often a reflection of significant cardiac and pleural nervous dysfunction. Palpating the chest can yield great information useful to make an accurate diagnosis. Light palpation over the entire thoracic area, will assist to identify cutaneous/subcutaneous nodules, which can be suggestive of a focal benign inflammatory process and nonlife-threatening, nevertheless, in other circumstances, they can be indicative of metastatic malignancies. Tenderness can be assessed during palpation, and it is used to aid in the diagnosis of chest pain, localizing a rib fracture, or other traumatic of a pathologic disease process like chondritis and …show more content…
I will obtain a chest x rays, as this is a visual aid, which assists providers to identify thoracic abnormalities and provide early evidence of disease presence and progression, including the presence of fluid, opacities, calcifications and pleural thickening. Another, related diagnostic exam I would perform is a sputum culture, to isolate and identify the infectious microbes to direct the course of the antibiotic treatment. Besides, a Complete Blood Count (CBC) can be obtained, as it provides evidence of an acute infection process. Finally, a Pulmonary function test can be performed; this is a valuable tool in determining the type, extent and the severity of lung