Module 8: Transformation at the IRS
AMP 492
September 25, 2011
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the transformation at the IRS by examining the need for change, the outcome of change and the process of change. The challenges faced by the IRS will be discussed and Kotter’s 8-step model will be applied to the case study to determine whether or not it was or could have been implemented more effectively. This paper will provide an opinion of the challenges still facing the IRS as well as suggestions for success.
The Case Study is provided by the Harvard Business School and is considered necessary reading prior to the understanding the responses contained herein. This paper is submitted as required for the CLC assignment of Module 8 of the Organizational Change & Development Class (AMP 492) offered on-line during the Summer 2011 Semester..
Stakeholders at the IRS
In order for the ramifications of change to be understood and appropriately planned, the stakeholders first had to be identified, their needs understood and the risks assessed. Considering the foregoing, the stakeholders included the Commissioner of the IRS (Rosotti), the employees of the IRS, the US Government, and the American public.
The American people were at risk due to the IRS system breakdowns and failure to meet the ever-increasing demands based on population growth. The stakeholders with the biggest direct implication included the US Government and Rossotti. Rossotti had personal stake in the major structural reorganization including geographic and market base service changes. The US Government maintained total ownership of the entire organization before, during and after the change.
Change: The Reasons and The Goals
In 1998, Congress mandated changes to the IRS by enacting the Restructuring and Reform Act (RRA98). Some of the driving forces for change included the systems overload on newly formed call centers due to
References: Davis, S. (1997). Unbridled Power. New York, Harper Collins Publishers. Watts, L., Groen, Y., Matsubara, K., Hovey, J., & Whittle, J. (2005, June 25). Internal revenue service restructuring and reform act of 1998. Retrieved from