1- The overall objective of the BIA is to identify the impact of outages. More specifically, the goal is to identify the critical functions that can affect the organization. After these you can identify the critical resources that support these functions. Each resource has a MAO and impact if it fails. The ultimate goal is to identify the recovery requirements.
An indirect objective of the BIA is to justify funding.
2- The first step towards creating a serious BCP is to identify the potential disasters one by one and determining what the potential impact might be on your business. In order to generate a professional and sound BCP, you have to understand the degree of the potential loss, which could occur. Some of the factors you could identify are: Financial loss, loss of customer confidence, damage to your reputation, data loss, to name a few. Having a good grasp and understanding of the potential incident and its impact on your business will help you generate a solid BCP. One of the pillars, in which you will build the foundation of your BCP, is to work on your Business Impact Analysis (BIA). The BIA is the understanding of the incidents and the potential impact of each of them when a disaster occurs.
3- Disaster recovery risk assessment and business impact analysis (BIA) are crucial steps in the development of a disaster recovery plan. But, we need to locate disaster recovery risk assessment and business impact assessment in the overall planning process. To do that, let us remind ourselves of the overall goals of disaster recovery planning, which are to provide strategies and procedures that can help return IT operations to an acceptable level of performance as quickly as possible following a disruptive event. The speed at which IT assets can be returned to normal or near-normal performance will impact how quickly the organization can return to business as usual or an acceptable interim state of operations.
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