There are many advantages and disadvantages to getting a college education. According to’s article, “Is A College Education Worth It?”, a higher education can be a good investment. In the article it states, “College education has a high return as an investment. Return on investment (ROI) is calculated by dividing the gain from an investment (here the money earned as a result …show more content…
As he directly expresses it, “Should all of those who have the academic ability to absorb a college-level liberal education get one?...The answer is no….A large proportion of people who are theoretically able to absorb a liberal education have no interest in doing so.”(228). What Murray means is that although a student might be smart enough to take college courses, completing them might not help the student get where they want to go. If the student is only taking the classes because they think they are supposed to, or because they believe it will get them a better paying job, going to college will likely be a terrible investment for them. Murray suggests that students focus on getting a career in what they are truly skilled at; He believes doing that will provide more job security than getting a degree for a job the student is less skilled in, because they will likely be competing with people who are better at that job than they are. The article “Is College Still Worth The Debt” from backs up this idea, stating, “The proverbial saying ‘college isn’t for everyone’ is true. Higher education doesn’t align with everyone’s talents or …show more content…
In the article “Blue-Collar Brilliance” by Mike Rose, he argues that people who work blue-collar jobs must be intelligent and skilled to do the mathematical calculations the job requires, intuitively read the people they are working with, and solve problems on the spot. Rose gives many of his family members as examples. His uncle, Joe Meraglio, didn’t have an education past 9th grade. However, he used the skills he learned on the job to work his way up from working on the assembly line to being a supervisor of the paint-and-body