Should animal testing be banned? Slavery, murder, and rape are considered among the worst crimes imaginable, however thousands of innocent animals die every day in labarotories, why? Throughout the centuries, scientists have searched are 74% Say Yes and 26% Say No for animal testing be banned. To treat and prevent disease in humans. Every new discovery must be tested to prove its reliability, because experimental results vary according to with the circumstances and the physiology of the animals used. Since animals are the closest living organisms to human beings, scientists have traditionally tested their new products on animals. However, over time better methods, which do not involve animal suffering, are available. Nevertheless, the debate continues between supporters of animal research, who believe that animal research is vital to medicine, and opponents, who are convinced that animal research is wasteful. The main argument to justify the inhumane use of animals is that evolution has placed humans on top, so it is natural for us to use other creatures. In response to this simplistic argument, one animal advocate declares: "Killing and using animals is an integral part of the evolution of human beings. Not killing and not using animals is the next step in our evolution". In other words, the fact that humans have used animals does not imply that we should continue to do so. Every day of a year, thousands of fully conscious animals are scalded, beaten or crushed to death, and more are subjected to horrible surgery and then allowed to die slowly and in agony. Is this morally correct? "No", says Ingrid Newkirk of PETA,"When it comes to feeling pain, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy".In vitro studies with human cells and serum have permitted scientists to identify the AIDS virus and determine its effect, whereas, on the other side, the usage of thousands of animals for AIDS research have led to few useful results. Moreover, in some cases, animal
Should animal testing be banned? Slavery, murder, and rape are considered among the worst crimes imaginable, however thousands of innocent animals die every day in labarotories, why? Throughout the centuries, scientists have searched are 74% Say Yes and 26% Say No for animal testing be banned. To treat and prevent disease in humans. Every new discovery must be tested to prove its reliability, because experimental results vary according to with the circumstances and the physiology of the animals used. Since animals are the closest living organisms to human beings, scientists have traditionally tested their new products on animals. However, over time better methods, which do not involve animal suffering, are available. Nevertheless, the debate continues between supporters of animal research, who believe that animal research is vital to medicine, and opponents, who are convinced that animal research is wasteful. The main argument to justify the inhumane use of animals is that evolution has placed humans on top, so it is natural for us to use other creatures. In response to this simplistic argument, one animal advocate declares: "Killing and using animals is an integral part of the evolution of human beings. Not killing and not using animals is the next step in our evolution". In other words, the fact that humans have used animals does not imply that we should continue to do so. Every day of a year, thousands of fully conscious animals are scalded, beaten or crushed to death, and more are subjected to horrible surgery and then allowed to die slowly and in agony. Is this morally correct? "No", says Ingrid Newkirk of PETA,"When it comes to feeling pain, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy".In vitro studies with human cells and serum have permitted scientists to identify the AIDS virus and determine its effect, whereas, on the other side, the usage of thousands of animals for AIDS research have led to few useful results. Moreover, in some cases, animal