Skin color carries subtle connotations of a person’s class and race. Skin color seems to be the first indicator of one’s character, background, and social status. In most countries around the world, especially in Asia, white skin often implies cultural sophistication, education, and higher income. On the contrary, dark skin is related to labor, vulgarity, or even violence. Luckily, modern society is beginning to embrace greater variety. Now when we see tanned skin, we think of beach vacations, out-door sports, and tanning salons. If taken with care, bronze shaded skin looks exotic, original, and energetic, too. In truth, being black does not signify anything bad.
From a conventional perspective, men seem to prefer women who are whiter. Nonetheless, this is still a subject of great controversy. In short, we often associate white skin with femininity, innocence, and attractiveness. Did you ever realize that people usually say ‘‘She’s too dark’’ but never ‘‘She’s too white?’’ In Chinese, we even have the saying: ????? (‘‘One whiteness covers three flaws,’’ white covers all flaws). Such an inclination toward lighter skin color is also reflected in the media; for example, Disney princesses are never tanned,
No matter what your skin color is, be happy about the way you are. It is not necessary to go to extremes. Since