-I do agree Chinese goods are cheaper, they may lack in quality, but they do have a market here. They are lot of middle class and lower-middle class people who cant afford to quality goods and do satisfy themselves with these goods and are happy about it. They don’t needISO certifications for their children's toys and petty things like that.
-Chinese softwares are of less cost. So, people prefer them.Government of China invests millions of dollars in research laboratories and development programs in the IT industry.
-China has a long way to travel to catch up deals that are destined to India. Having understood the booming manufacturing sector in china, Indian companies like TCS, Infosys, Satyam has setup shops in china to pull projects from the Chinese Industries.
- Some Indian companies even bought the small sized Chinese companies, to understand the market and to merge themselves into the Chinese culture. These companies serve as a threatening competitor to the home grown companies.
-Indian IT professionals knowledge and global experience will be a great asset. Not using it will be a great mistake or it cannot be ignored 2) Indian companies presence in China. Today, Indian companies like Infosys and TCS have good reputation inChinese markets.
-Due to language barrier China is behind than India as in all over the world softwares are accepted in English version. India has more number of good English speaking people compared to