being in a classroom together.
I believe, civil disobedience is justified as long as it follows through with the keyword, civil.
Once the line from civil disobedience is crossed then chaos breaks out , then it is no longer civil disobedience.Then it becomes a whole other argument which does not meet the criteria. As long as the fight has a meaning and/ or promotes a safer life, it is acceptable.The reason being because human rights are meant to protect the people,however, there are situations in which people take advantage of others disabilities.Individuals should have the right to act, do and say as they wish to do.They also have the right to believe in whatever they believe in, but most importantly, they have the right to be safe within their own place.This is where everything takes a turn, at this point one cannot let others win, that point is when situations need for a …show more content…
One of the greatest acts of civil disobedience known to me is the Navy in Vieques during 1999.
Residents' concerns on how their lives revolved around the bombardment practice with chemical waste, environmental damage from bombings, polluted water, and increased rates of cancer.Led to the formation that fought for their rights.Protesters created groups such as the Peace and Justice Camp.This was a moment in which environmentalists, independence activists, church groups, fishermen, students and members of various political parties were united.The protesters were faced with physical attacks and were the own in jail never responded back with violence.But their message and right to live in safety was more important than retaliating with violence.They continued the protest against these hazardous chemical practices until one day, their voices were heard.Vieques is still suffering from the consequences of the practices but they finally have their land back and the cancer rates decreased.Making it a successful act of
On a more extreme measure, the Civil Rights movement could be seen in the same light. The white supremacists bullying the blacks and other minorities. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for his rights and stuck true to his soul.He was sent to jail a number of times, was attacked even more times and yet, in history we have a holiday to praise his good deed as well as a month to celebrate the race.That is the true meaning of civil disobedience, to fight for what one believes in up until the point where everyone can celebrate the victory.