ability to become any other kind of cell, proving to be incredibly useful to medical science. This explains as to why the embryos would be cloned, and because they would be improving lives, they would be used for good. Likewise, embryonic stem cells provide more opportunities to assist people with physical problems than their adult counterparts. To be specific, as stated by Eileen Arnold, “Stem cells present the greatest opportunity for medical advancement right now…”.
This depicts how stem cells are used in medical science. They are necessary to reparative medicine, which is the treatment of disease by using cells to repair or regenerate damaged tissue. Because stem cells can turn into other kinds of cells, they are much more useful than previously formed cells, which usually die when away from their original host. Furthermore, the government would be put in charge of moderating the use of the cloning, keeping it away from private companies that might abuse its power. For instance, the article states that, “ … those who support the research into stem cells emphasize that responsible research…would have a much higher chance of reaping the best medical benefits from research and avoiding the possible disaster of human cloning…”. This presents the idea that we should trust our government to help us, and that it is not inherently bad like most cloning fiction and sci-fi suggests. By placing the research in the hands of the government, it could be carefully regulated and used responsibly and for the greater good. Granted that, cloning embryo has its
downsides. People argue that stem cells are a form of human life, and that destroying embryos to get them is inhumane. Despite this belief, cloned embryos have only a 1%, if not lower, survival rate. They would most likely only develop to the point of producing stem cells, and would likely die before even coming close to becoming a full human. Without a doubt, embryonic stem cells are a part of our future with many more pros than cons, and we should actively embrace the research of them. After all, this is not the only way cloning can be of use to medical science.