Primarily, many people claim college tends to drown them in student debt crippling graduate’s ability to move on to the real world and create financial independence. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a survey showed that around half of graduated students are struggling with other adult aspirations. Nearly 25% stated student loans had hindered their chances of buying a home and 7% said it kept them from getting married (Is College Worth It?). Another surveyed showed that 57% of people claimed that they didn’t get as much as they had imagined compared to the money they had invested into the long years of receiving a college degree and 75% said college is just too expensive for the majority of American citizens (Is College Worth It?). Two-thirds of college presidents stated postsecondary education was heading in the wrong direction consisting of useless knowledge and not focusing solely on what matters within student’s majors (is college worth it). Adam utilizes logos to fully convey the negative aspects of college by using endless statistics and professional opinions to support that college education is nothing but
Primarily, many people claim college tends to drown them in student debt crippling graduate’s ability to move on to the real world and create financial independence. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a survey showed that around half of graduated students are struggling with other adult aspirations. Nearly 25% stated student loans had hindered their chances of buying a home and 7% said it kept them from getting married (Is College Worth It?). Another surveyed showed that 57% of people claimed that they didn’t get as much as they had imagined compared to the money they had invested into the long years of receiving a college degree and 75% said college is just too expensive for the majority of American citizens (Is College Worth It?). Two-thirds of college presidents stated postsecondary education was heading in the wrong direction consisting of useless knowledge and not focusing solely on what matters within student’s majors (is college worth it). Adam utilizes logos to fully convey the negative aspects of college by using endless statistics and professional opinions to support that college education is nothing but