Students tend to “pursue many activities during their time on campus, but what distinguishes a college is that it embodies ideals distinct from the rest of students’ lives”(Neem). For many, college gives them a second chance at making it in society. It allows them to escape their home life and be the person they’ve always wanted to be. Not only does it provide an escape but it also provides a way to network with others and form a social life that they would have never had, had they not decided to go to …show more content…
But, those students also experience a better quality of life. Statistics have proven that people with post-secondary educations tend to make healthier choices such as, “in 2012, only 8% of four-year degree-holders surveyed smoked, compared to 20% with an Associate’s degree and 25% with a high school diploma alone. Among 25-34-year-olds, 85% of those with a Bachelor’s degree and 71% with an Associate’s degree reported exercising weekly, compared to 60% of those with no post-secondary education”(Latour). Studies have also proven that with the accomplishment of obtaining a higher level of education it reduces the crime rate.“The better-educated workers not only enjoy higher income, but also better health, decreased likelihood of committing crimes and less reliance on social programs”(Rouse) which essentially leads to a positive and healthy household, community, and