
Is Dimmesdale A Good Or Bad Person?

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Is Dimmesdale A Good Or Bad Person?
Is Dimmesdale a good or bad person what do you think? I believe that Dimmesdale is a good person that was just afraid and confused. Dimmesdale didn’t want to die or make things worse for Hester. That is the reason he didn’t confess to being the child's father. He regretted not being there for her that's why he would hurt himself for it.

When everyone tried to get Pearl taken away from Hester Dimmesdale helped convinced the mayor to let Hester keep her child.
“Therefore it is good for this poor,sinful woman that she hath an infant immortality, a being capable of eternal joy or sorrow, confided to her care….if she bring that child to heaven, the child also will bring it parent thither!” If it wasn’t for Dimmesdale here child would have been taken away. Hester would have gone with the mayor's sister to be with satan if they took her child which would have got her killed. This shows that Dimmesdale is a good person because he was trying to protect Hester in his own way.
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“ The physician advanced directly in front of his patient laid his hand upon his bosom, and thrust aside the vestment that, hither to, had always covered it even from the professional eye.” This was when Chillingworth found the “A” on his back. Dimmesdale did this because he wanted to repent for his sins. His sin was getting Hester pregnant and not being there for them for 7

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