
Is Euthanasia Inherently Wrong Essay

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Some might say that euthanasia is not the moral equivalent of murder as this action only affect an individual well-being, it is often valued for its own sake, as well as necessary for pursuit of all other goods within a life. Others might argue that euthanasia is the moral equivalent of murder as every human being has a natural inclination to continue living. Both arguments contrast in helping us evaluate more about euthanasia is the moral equivalent of murder or not. For me, I think euthanasia is inherently wrong as I think this action is a rejection of the importance and value of human life. In the following part, I will define what euthanasia is and base on J. Gay- William’s The Wrongfulness of euthanasia to explain why the thought is wrong. …show more content…

Euthanasia is an act that intentionally taking the life of a person suffering from some illness or injury, from which recovery cannot reasonably be expected. In our daily lives, we exercise the caution and care necessary to protect ourselves. When we are cutting our capillaries seal shut, our blood clots, and fibrogen which is produced to start the process of healing the wound, euthanasia does not only violence to this natural goal of survival. He recognizes that human body and our patterns of behavioral responses make the continuation of life a natural goal, we recognize euthanasia sets us against our own nature. Besides, he points out that life is full of suffering. Suffering is a natural part of life with values for the individual and for others that we should not overlook and illness is a kind of suffering .Thus, euthanasia is not permissible. However, there is a difference between these examples with euthanasia. Let me use the above example again, when we are cut, it will definitely start the process of wound, and the suffering of cut will finally get over, but actually this case has some differences between euthanasia, euthanasia specifically means the terminal illness person that will only gain great suffering and has become border and they want to end their life because of hopeless, the extremely illness people injury can never be recovered or healed. Life is no longer to consider any benefits but it’s full of difficulties and suffering. The blood clot painfulness will just only hold a bit time but terminal illness people have to stand a long term torture and suffer. Blood will clot because it does not want us to suffer anymore. Same as euthanasia, euthanasia is performed to defer from suffering. Therefore, euthanasia does not contradict to the nature of continuation of life in the event should be taken as a last resort as a way to help the patient to avoid the unnecessary conscious

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