
Is Everyone Essentially Evil, Corrupt, Or Amoral?

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Is Everyone Essentially Evil, Corrupt, Or Amoral?
Is everyone essentially evil, corrupt, or amoral? Amorality is defined as having no moral standards, restraints, or principles and being unaware or indifferent to questions of right or wrong (Amoral). There are millions of cases throughout history of murderers and psychopaths who feel no remorse for their actions, even many years after the crime was committed. There are also criminals who do feel remorse for their actions and seek repentance years after the crime was committed. Lastly there are people such as Mother Theresa who is considered one of the most selfless of all people and who is in the process of becoming a saint. Depending on many factors, such as childhood influences and balances of hormones in the body, a person’s standards or …show more content…
Molly, described as a “gorgeous wit”, was known to have affairs with many men during her life, even during her marriage to George Lane (McEwan 4). All of these men, including George, knew about her infidelity and were still accepting of the deceit because she was seen as a beautifully crazy woman who would give everyone she met a new meaning of life. Because of their affairs with Molly, Clive Linley and Vernon Holiday had become best friends. In the beginning of the novel, we are set at the funeral of Molly Lane where the two best friends are re-connecting and discussing Molly and all the great and wild memories they had with her. The two men also discuss the way in which Molly died, which seems to be a mental disorder causing her to be “reduced and humiliated before she could make arrangements, or even say goodbye” (McEwan 5). Molly’s funeral gives the men the perfect time to catch up since they both have very busy lives and goals they wish to accomplish. Molly died in a way she couldn’t control and the men believe that she would have done everything she could so people did not know about her condition. This gives the men the incentive to make a deal that if one of them ever gets to the point of mental insanity, the other would quietly have them killed and put them out of their misery. This deal sparks something in the two men that will prompt their most amoral

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