Tauva Hellie
ENGL 101.05
30 October 2014
Our Generations Downfall
In todays society it seems as if everybody is connected to social media somehow, especially us college students and young adults. It’s a way for us to connect with friends far away or even nearby. The thing is, social media is destroying young adults mentally and physically because it’s disconnecting them from the physical world. Texting, emailing, tweeting, and facebooking have become the preferred forms of communication for many young adults in the past 10 years and shows no signs of slowing down. We’re now in a society where interacting online has become the social norm. You’re probably more likely to speak to friends and family through electronic devices …show more content…
When you live most of your life through social media you begin to have a feeling of alone and loneliness. This happens because of your lack human communication. Instead of speaking with people in person you mainly talk through internet access. When this access is not available the feeling of being alone takes over your body most of the time especially if you have no close family by. Also studies have shown that the more lonely a person is, the more time they’ll likely spend more time on Facebook trying to find online friendships or relationships. In “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely” by Stephen Marche, Marche says
“A recent study out of Australia (where close to half the population is active on Facebook), titled “Who Uses Facebook?” found a complex and sometimes confounding relationship between loneliness and social networking. Facebook users had slightly lower levels of “social loneliness”-the sense of not feeling bonded with friends-but “significantly higher levels of family loneliness”-the sense of not feeling bonded with …show more content…
One of the main harmful consequence about it other than addiction and loneliness is that it can cause a lack of attention span. This is one of the main reason most kids growing up have some type of ADHD symptoms. When you are communication on social media you are constantly switching tasks. Because of this people can’t pay attention to one thing for very long and constantly switch to something else that’ll catch the users’ eye. This creates bad learning habits. You get so use to receiving information in small sections, constantly switching from one subject to another and your brain can’t keep its mind on one thing. Some say that kids are writing more than they ever have in decades. People feel that this is a good thing if they can use it for education but some feel this will lead to barley illiterate