Name: Ng Man Kuk (Hugo)
ENG101 (DT)-Basic Composition
Term 6, 2014-2015
Instructor: Ms. Jamie Ku
5th July, 2015
For hundreds of years people have placed some message in the type of clothing they wore. Long ago people wanted to be different from other people by altering their clothing. Some examples of “standing out” became very popular and many people followed. This was the moment when fashion appeared. Clothing is basically a covering designed to be worn on a person 's body and it is a necessity that is resolved by the norms of social conduct. This “necessity” brings a lot of variety into the lives of people and makes their image more integrated. It is not about people serving fashion; it is about fashion being a slave of people.
Is Fashion as Communication for Both Men and Women Associated with Their Identity? Nowadays, fashion is sometimes defined as a constantly changing trend, rather than practical or logical reasons. Nevertheless, at the present moment fashion has a profound influence on the life of people. Clothing has turned into a self-realization of every person. It is no longer just an “external screen” more than that it may cause losing a very important physical, psychological and social aspect of a person’s life. The type of clothing fully depends on the person who is wearing it; therefore it becomes a reflection of his perception of himself, which causes us to the term – personal identity. The choice of clothing and accessories is as critical as identification through the color of hair, height, skin and gender. In addition, clothing is a media of information about the person wearing it. It is a cipher; a code that needs a decryption in order to understand what kind of person is underneath it. (Barnard 2002). As every cloth contains a strong message about its owner