However, Globalization benefiting everyone is the idealistic situation: not all countries are part of the globalization process. Globalization goal is a world where each country could freely deal with any other country, no matter their political stand, religion and other issues, and exchange valuable resources and information for mutual growth.
Globalization is the acceptance of the ideologies and other aspects of another country.
The pro-globalization people alike know that it benefits both developing and developed; but some governments are still reluctant to accept that Globalization benefits everyone. They feel that the bad effects and the disadvantages of it far outweigh the obvious advantages. What are the disadvantages and advantages of Globalization? Is Globalization a good thing or not?
Globalization had disadvantages as well as advantages; a lot of people are against globalization.
The anti-globalization group argues that countries, which are deprived in terms of resources, are not currently capable of functioning with the increased competitive pressure of connecting their economies to the rest of the world.
And in fact, there are some disadvantages of globalization that cannot be ignored: unemployment, social degeneration and difficulty of competition.
The major complain about globalization is that it makes the « rich richer and the non-richer poorer ».
Anti-globalization group claims that globalization does not benefit all the countries; indeed the UN development program reports that the richest 20 percent of the world's population consume 86 percent of the world's resources, while the poorest 80 percent consume just 14 percent.
Globalization also leads to accusation of social injustice and unfair working conditions: Multinational corporations are accused of slave labor wages, poor living and working conditions, as well as a lack of concern for the environment, mismanagement of natural resources, and ecological damage.
They are also accused of exploitation of labor; child workers and increase in human trafficking, and safety standards ignored to produce cheap goods.
A major damage of globalization is that some cultures are getting lost. The countries with more economic power are more dominant than others, thus their culture take over the others’. More powerful countries produce many things that can affect culture in different way, for example: clothes, movies, and technological products. With globalization, all the country around the world adopt the American culture, therefore this damages small cultures, which have the risk of being extinct.
In addition to influence cultures, multinational corporations from richest countries, which used to restricted commercial activities, gain power due to globalization and increasingly influence political decisions. As a matter of fact, many think there is a threat of corporations ruling the world.
Globalization has not only disadvantages in poorer country, but also in developed ones. Indeed, companies outsource work to developing countries in order to reduce the cost of labor, thus workers from developed countries are losing their jobs.
Some experts think that globalization is also leading to the incursion of communicable diseases. Travelers to the remotest corners of the globe are spreading deadly diseases like HIV/AIDS.
Sure globalization, as everything, has disadvantages, but these disadvantages can often turn into advantages and it has also a lot of benefits.
An example is the rise in competition. As we discuss earlier, it can be a disadvantages, but it is also one of the biggest advantages of globalization. Indeed, industries are compelled to improve their standards, quality and customer satisfaction services due to competition from foreign brands and companies allowed by globalization. This benefits the economy as a whole and customers; it raises the standard of living of everybody.
Globalization allows newer culture and technologies to develop; countries’ knowledge base grows and expands. Countries improve their primary and secondary industries, which affects tertiary sector in a positive manner as well.
Globalization raises opportunities. Indeed industries and resources available increases, which increases opportunities for people as well. There are more jobs available, and it is easier to move around the world for work. This increases immigration rate, and give people the chance to grow economically and socially. Culture and globalization are highly related; globalization allows the mix of the culture.
Another benefit aspect of Globalization is tolerance. For a long time, countries have lived separately, introverted, in tension of one another. Globalization eradicates this tension, by allowing connection between countries and trading nations. This leads to a rise in education levels and the spread of culture all around the world.
An advantage, which cannot be contradicted, is certainly the level of foreign investment in a country (FDI). FDI helps industries and native cities to grow really rapidly. Every nation should be open to globalization, since it is a highly beneficial venture for them, and they can gain a lot in the process. By using a country’s comparative advantage, or what they can produce at a lower opportunity cost than other countries, they can get all the benefits of trade. If every country has a comparative advantage that means that everyone can gain from trade. There is remarkable evidence that globalization is helping countries expand and achieve higher incomes or a higher GDP.
To conclude, Globalization has been at the heart of the debate concerning third world, poorer, less developed countries. Some thinks that with globalization comes exploitation where richer countries take advantage of the poorer countries, creating a large gap between them. But you cannot compare rich and poor countries or developed and developing countries. Indeed, wages significantly smaller in poorer countries does not mean exploitation is present; you cannot compare wages in developed rich and countries and in poor country, because de standard of living and
the cost of the life are not the same, you do not get the same thing with 1$ in US and 1$ in a poor country of Africa for example.
Globalization can benefit all countries, rich or poor, if that country is willing to be open to international trade. By adapting globalization to their own country and choose the best way to engage in international trade, countries can benefit from it and grow economically and socially. Globalization is a phenomenon that is here to stay and develop more and more. That’s why every country needs to get use to it and take advantages of its benefits. Anti-globalization people are blind to the actual facts and development of the world.
Poorer countries do what they can to survive, and globalization helps them obtain higher incomes and improve living conditions.
Plus, Countries with lower incomes, poor literacy rates, and poor health care cannot become wealthy and efficient over night. Globalization is a slow process, but it is working. It is allowing for more techniques and methods to be shared around the world. A country closed to the rest of the world will not learn to better themselves, and continue to do things they way they have been doing. As a result there will not be as much room for improvements and new opportunities to countries that do participate in globalization.