the 1900 and 1904 Olympics, then removed for 112 years. “Opponents say that
golf better meets the definition of "game" than "sport," does not require
rigorous physical activity, and can be played by people who are overweight,
injured, non-athletic, etc. People argue that golf is a game or leisure activity,
and they cite golf's 112-year absence from the Olympics as proof that it is not a
First, to play golf you do not need to be in any kind of physical/mental
shape. You can also play while injured. For example; “Tiger Woods won the
U.S. Open despite playing with his left knee missing an ACL and two stress
fractures in his left tibia”. Another reason …show more content…
The definition of sport is “an individual or group activity
pursued for exercise or pleasure, often involving the testing of physical
capabilities and taking the form of a competitive game such as football, tennis,
etc.” It says that it is a testing of physical capabilities, however golf does not test
your physical capabilities.
However, many people say that golf is a sport. For example;” Neil
Wolkodoff, director of the Rose Center for Health and Sports Sciences in
Denver, thinks it is, and he has some data to back up his claim. Wolkodoff
took eight better-than- average golfers and tracked their heart rate, oxygen
consumption, carbon dioxide production.” However the results were bad.
The heart rate was low along with the carbon dioxide production.
In conclusion, 88% of people say that golf is not a sport, and you know
what they say “majority rules” and “Many golfers drink and smoke without it
having any impact upon their game and form, in other sports that would not
possible.” And if you want to look up golf I a dictionary it says,
“A game in which clubs with wooden or metal heads”