During his sermon Jonathan Edwards used vivid imagery and descriptions to make his congregation see that hell was a real place. To make the congregation see just how close to hell they truly were Edwards stated, “That world of misery, that lake of burning brimstone is extended aboard under you (Cox).” He also wanted them to realize that the longer they went without Christ, the heavier they would become. “Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downward with great weight and pressure toward hell (Westerfield).” The ground beneath them would give way under the weight of their wickedness and they would plunge into hell where the Devil would be ready for them. “The Devil is waiting for them, hell is gaping, for them, the flames gather and flash about them and would fain lay hold on them, and swallow them up (Smolinski 11).”…
Be familiar with the prominent perspectives on hell during the period of the church fathers and the Middle Ages. Pg 812-814…
As they enter through the gates of hell they read the sign on the gate, which reads “ABANDON ALL HOPE, YOU WHO ENTER”. The first place they enter is the Ante-Inferno, which isn’t really part of hell but is still a place of eternal punishment for those who were neither good nor evil. In this part of hell they were continuously strung and bitten by bees and wasps and were consumed by worms. As they exit this part of the Inferno they pass a river called Acheron, which is the border of hell. As they cross the river Dante sees all the damned souls waiting to be punished and sent into hell he then realizes that only the punished and eternally damned souls enter into hell and faints at the thought of entering such a place he might not be able to get out…
Whether or not there is a doomed afterlife in which is called “hell”, everybody has their own perception of what their “hell” would be like. Rather your view of hell is eternal detonation or a place consisting of deathly flames and Satan’s head down in a bucket of ice, most people do not wish to be summoned into the depths of hell. However; Jonathon Edward’s sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” portrays briefly the vivid imagery of how hell was represented during the Second Great Awakening. In addition, Edwards aim was to teach his listeners about the horror of hell. Thus, Edwards’s dramatic interpretation of hell frightened the people who followed by God’s word and urges those who don’t to call upon Christ to receive forgiveness.…
All sinners are condemned to hell unless they repent for their sins and turn to God for salvation.…
Hell is a location where its inmates will be punished without any hope of relief, for eternity. Among those punished will be Satan,…
In the Inferno, the circle of Hell is determined by the sins the person (soul) committed while still alive on earth. For their deeds, they suffer eternally according to Divine Justice. The people one sees in life can already have chosen their eternal fate. Their outward actions may determine which part of Hell they are sent to, if indeed they are fated to go there and if Hell is the way Dante puts it.…
Dante, the pilgrim, experienced Hell and as he reached the bottom of Hell, he experienced something completely different opposed to what readers would have expected. Dante Alighiere’s depiction of Satan once he reaches the bottom of Hell reveals the theme, that in Hell the punishment is always befitting of the sin. As Dante and his tour guide, Virgil, arrive at the last circle, Satan is described to have, “three faces on his head...underneath each came forth two mighty wings...at every mouth he with his teeth was crunching at sinner,” (Canto 34). The illustration of Satan does not satisfy the typical reader; the reader expects to be able to visualize Satan in a more depth illusion, showing how furious he must be after the punishment he has received, of having to be placed in Hell, being frozen; the irony of the Hell described by Dante is that the reader would have expected for Satan to be located where it would be extremely hot, and for there to be uncontrollable fire, not for it to be frozen. At the bottom of the slope, Satan is placed from his mid-breast forth issued from the ice, and as night approaches everything is opposite which is why they must climb down Satan’s leg. Dante was surprised as he reached Satan to see how frozen and powerless he became in circle 9. The ultimate evil is represented in this way by Dante, because Dante wants to show the reader how Satan, and…
“Being dead in hell at the age of thirteen is better than being alive on Earth at the age of thirteen.” This quote is said by Madison in the novel Damned. She says this to contrast the differences between her life and the lives of other thirteen year olds. Madison believes that Earth contains people that are cruel and selfish.The puritans would exile the novel Damned due to the lack of religious beliefs, law breaking characters were present, and the characters lead sinful lives.…
What happens after death has been a debated and documented topic dating back to shortly after the death of Jesus Christ. It is basically impossible to get certain evidence to back up beliefs. We are forced to rely on religious material and theologians to paint a picture for us. Even then it is hard to truly grasp what happens after death. It is proposed that you either go to heaven, or you go to hell. What do we actually know of the latter? The general consensus of society is that hell is a place full of demons and is controlled by Satan. The belief and understanding of hell has changed drastically since its first understanding. What do the Bible and theologians say about hell?…
Within this particular interactive oral, the idea of whether the hell in No Exit is represented or disregarded as a theological Christian hell was presented upon us. Throughout time, the Christian hell has been depicted as a fiery, unforgiving place, as shown in the bible verses, Matthew 13:49b-50, “The angles will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing teeth” and Revelation 19:20b, “The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur”. This theological hell has also been seen as place of separation from god and restlessness. At first glance, the hell in No Exit differs from a classic Christian theological hell in many ways.…
Heaven exists for the souls that believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior and Hell exists for the souls that have rejected Jesus Christ as their Savior. Anyone can receive the free gift of eternal life that was bought by the death of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23). To receive the gift one has to believe and know that God sent His son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to save humanity from their sins through His perfect life, death and resurrection (John 3:16). When one understands what has been done, their life will be forever changed and will be evident through the act of sanctification. Sanctification is the product of a changed heart that their soul will spend eternity with their heavenly. Ultimately, the souls of humanity will end up either in Heaven with God or in Hell separated from God for…
The Bible clearly teaches that there are only two very specific possibilities for eternity; Heaven, and Hell. There is only way to make it to Heaven, and that is to accept the gift that Jesus gave us by dying on the cross for our sins. (1 Peter 3:18) The Bible lists the two possibilities for eternity as being either eternal life, or eternal punishment. (Matthew 25:46)…
Our worldview is again solidified on this matter in Romans 6:23, when we are told that sinning results in hell but that the Gift of God is eternal life. All of the questions feed into each other because you cannot have one without the other. The Christian worldview always points to God, and the answer to life’s biggest and scariest questions can be found in His holy…
We all know Hell is a term used for the place where the deceased go down in the underworld to be punished for their sins. When we talk about Hell, it’s used as an expression to describe some kind of intense feeling. Hell can be the destruction of mankind or it can be a place that has been destroyed. In the novel Tomorrow, When the War Began, Hell is used to describe the new world that Ellie and her friends now live in.…