In Tracie McMillan the articles states that “All parents are interested in feeding their families healthy meals, price is a concern for low income families.” The ideal situation for a higher income family would be to eat a well balanced meal. For lower income families it is thought to be harder to buy a healthy meal at a supermarket. Lower income families tend to claim that healthy greens are expensive and that they do not have …show more content…
decent markets.
Also, In Tracie McMillan the Food and Drug Administration announced “ it was considering banning the fats in processed foods.” With the fats so high in junk food people are suffering from obesity and health conditions. It is not benefiting the overall diet quality in the United States.Taking always trans fats will not make junk food as enjoyable. Therefore people will eat delicious tastefully chicken.
The next Article by Mark Bittman they make a very clear statement. “ A typical order at McDonald's for a family of four is twenty eight dollars.” “A healthy meal consisting roasted chicken, vegetables, a salad and milk is somewhere near fourteen dollars.” Having a healthy home cooked meal is cheaper than eating junk on the streets. Healthy meals include getting protein will give you energy unlike all the chemical that make you crave more.
Another point in the article Is junk really cheaper is that “If you can drive to McDonald's you can drive to Safeway.” It is very easy for people to immediately get defensive and say that they have no time and a full time job.
It will take just as much time to get in the car drive to McDonald's and home as to cook hot homemade meal. Junk food comforts people and is very easy to get, you do not even have to get out of the car.
Weather you are in a poor community or a wealthy one there has to be one market with good produce. The poor should be able to cook a healthy meal instead of feeding themselves chemicals. The wealthy should be able to cooking a meal instead of watching hours of television. Giving fast food places business is making them expand and create more things that are hurting our bodies. Cooking a homemade meal isn't expensive or hard just takes as much effort Into driving to McDonald's.
Bittman, Mark. "Is Junk Food Really Cheaper?" The New York Times. The New York Times, 24 Sept. 2011. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.
McMillan, Tracie. "Gap in Diet Quality Between Wealthiest and Poorest Americans Doubles, Study Finds." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 1 Sept. 2014. Web. 25 Oct.