Cited: Rachels, James ( 1941-2003) The Elements of Moral Philosophy
Cited: Rachels, James ( 1941-2003) The Elements of Moral Philosophy
Cited: Bok, Sissela. Lying: moral choice in public and private life. New York: Pantheon Books, 1978. Print.…
Lying, false and untruthful. In the articles “Brad Blanton: Honestly, Tell the Truth” by Barbara Ballinger and “Rejecting All Lies Immanuel Kant” by Sissela Bok, they argue that lying is never allowed because it leads to many complicated situations. Lying can lead to humiliating your friends and hurts the liar’s mental state.…
The article “The Ways We Lie” by Stephanie Ericsson discusses nine different types of lies people tell and/or encounter almost on a daily basis. The article focus’ on deciding when to lie and also how those lies being told not only affects the person the lie is being told too, but also the person who's telling the lie. One of the types of lies…
In the chapter, “True Lies” taken from Jeffrey Seglin’s book, The Good, the Bad, and Your Business, the author states that that there are consequences to lying. Throughout this chapter, the author also speaks about the differences between lying and posturing, and how people distinguish the fine line between them.…
The first reason lying is never okay is because it gives people false hope. One example of giving people false is in the beginning of the novel the Nazis lied to the Jews and gave them false hope saying the concentration camps were not going to be bad but they were actual torture to the Jews. Lying made the Jews think they…
I think it is good that you shouldn't say anything at all instead of lying, but in the book, this is said to be the cruelest type of lies. Stereotypes create lies because a group of people's actions caused bad things to happen. Some lies are straightforward, and purpose is to avoid the truth all together. It's seems that the author believes lying is important in order to not hurt peoples feelings and to be successful and happy. Being dishonest is a cover-up for pain, hurt, guilt, or ignorance. I don't agree with author in something's that she says. It is true that lying may cover up pain, but the truth will always solve the problem.…
Is lying prohibited and does it make you “more worthless even than a small thing?” Well, Immanuel Kant thinks so. He wants to really make a claim that “truthfulness is a duty which no circumstances can put aside.” Kant’s argument is so biased because he only shows feelings for honesty. He then shows some negativity and cruelty to the liars, and make mean comments about them. I disagree with Kant’s argument. First of all, just because you lie, it doesn’t mean that it’s destroying your human dignity and it doesn’t harm mankind…
An issue that has been highly controversial regarding honesty has been whether it is ever right to lie. Some people would argue that lying is not always morally wrong. From this perspective, telling a lie can be beneficial because the truth sometimes causes more damage than a lie would. To illustrate, a person might lie about how someone looks so that they are not offended. However, others argue that it is never morally right to lie. Stephanie Ericsson, who maintains this view, argues in her essay “The Ways We Lie” that “When someone lies, someone loses” (425). According to this view, a lie always leads to someone being negatively affected. Therefore, lying is wrong because it always results in someone being harmed. In sum, the issue is whether lying is moral or immoral.…
Kant has explained this by giving an example of moral principle that people should not lie and this moral principle applies to all and one cannot lie given on the situation and his past experiences. Not to lie is a basic human nature and it should be respected by all and all community follows this principle.…
The debate over the acceptability of lying is a complicated one. Some feel that it is morally wrong and only ever worsens a situation. Others feel that it is acceptable in cases where feelings could be hurt, or if a person’s self-esteem may be lowered. However, there are instances in which lying happens simply to avoid the consequences of a person’s actions, and most would agree that it is morally wrong. Instead of going back and forth between “lying is wrong” and “lying is okay sometimes,” a better use of our time would be learning to improve our honesty with ourselves and with the people around…
In a small home, a question is left unanswered, lingering in the air. “Is lying really something that is for the better good?” Within the many levels of lying lays a wavering argument only known as lying. Is it justified? Perhaps it should only be classified as unforgivable? Lying is a “necessity” in our everyday lives, it is and can be needed for the greater good whether it comes to lying to save a relationship with a close friend, or used to protect someone and even used to save a life. Lying is an action that is acceptable; it can even be considered a necessity.…
Lying is also an acceptable form of communication as it allows life to progress smoothly.Rebecca Campbell,25-year-old mother from Quincey,III,told her 4-year-old son that there are no cartoons on T.V.Even though there are cartoons on all day Rebecca says it is easier to lie because it is time-consuming,as discipline often is.If she would have told her son the truth, then he would have been watching cartoons all day or complaining that he wants to watch cartoons.”Lying is easier than telling the truth.It is easier because telling the lie doesn’t complicate things,”explained Rebecca on page(2) in paragraph 4-5.Rebecca lied about something instead of telling the truth.Life is smooth when you tell a lie and it is a good form of communication…
Today society consists of good, yet dishonest company. Deceit is more common than uncommon and research has shown that on a daily basis, lies are consistent in every individual’s life. According to a study done by U.S. News & World Report, for every 10 minutes of mundane conversation, one person will tell two to three lies. However, although lying is an evil action that is regarded by many as immoral or betrayal, research has found that a little lying can actually be good for you (Boser).…
The first lie that she debates is the white lie; it is inoffensively telling an untruth so that no hurt is done by telling the reality. Some individuals will feel disappointed, frustrated, or upset if the words from other people aren’t the wanted words that these people expected. But everything has consequences, in some cases a white lie helps in others not all depends on the point of view of the beholder. As the example of that is the Vietnam case, it is true family did not go hungry but they always kept their hopes alive,…
Mosser, K. (2013) explains, “The most famous objection to the deontologist's approach—specifically Kant's—is the problem posed by lying. Lying is, of course, intentionally misleading someone to think something is true when it is false or false when it is true.” Immanuel Kant believes being truthful no matter what the circumstances is the right thing to do.…