
Is Macbeth A Villain

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Throughout Macbeth by William Shakespeare we see the transformation of the main character, Macbeth. This basically means that Macbeth changes from a courageous warrior to a serial killer! Macbeth is a hero who turns into a said sorry a villain.
The story of Macbeth takes place in the 11th century in Scotland. It is one of Shakespeare’s tragic plays about how Macbeth (a nobleman) plans the death of King Duncan in order to become King himself. No good story ever goes according to plan and that it is why Macbeth is another captivating play written by one of the greatest playwrights, William Shakespeare.
“All is too weak for brave Macbeth” (1.2.15) is said by the Captain near the beginning. At the opening of the play Macbeth demonstrates
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Steeped in so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er.” (3.5.137) Macbeth realizes that he has gained nothing from all the killings. He says that I have murdered so many people already that to go back would be as hard as to go forward so why should I head backwards? This is the villainous side of Macbeth. He is now thinking like a villain as well. He hires even more assassinators to kill Macduff and his family. If Macbeth was a true hero he would not be killing people for his own benefit. Macbeth’s ambition for power leads him to continuously kill people so that he remains in the highest power in the country. This honour that he holds is not noble and he is not worth of this position. As all tragic Shakespeare plays. We will see the killing of Macbeth. But before that Lady Macbeth hangs herself because she can no longer handle Macbeth’s rampage even though she is the one who provoked it. Macbeth is now completely insane and has no way to return back to where he started. “Once a paper is crumpled; it can no longer be perfect”. Macduff hears that Macbeth plans to murder him. So he along with Malcolm (Duncan’s son who fled) prepares an army to defeat Macbeth. Macbeth thinks he is safe because the second apparition says that Macbeth’s killer must be of woman born. But Macduff was born of caesarean section. The third apparition says that Macbeth shall not be defeated until Great Birnam wood comes to high hill. Macbeth thinks to himself a forest cannot move so I am safe. But Macduff’s army hide behind the tree and bring patches along to hide within. When Macbeth learns of this he knows that he is now defeated. He is killed by Macduff. The play ends with Malcolm being the

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