Explanation of the claim:
I will intend to provide a concise explanation of why minimum wage is unethical. Arguing that the minimum wage should not exist and wages should be evaluated in a method that takes into account the morality of an action subject to the action’s outcome or consequence. Essentially, this method will allow priority to the jobs and incomes of the worst off. That being the case, this sequitur will be regarded as normal by consequentialist in many aspects, intersecting with the major views regarding minimum wage.
Reasons for the claim:
(I) Minimum wage destroys the roots of ethics regarding consensual relation between people. First, one must consider that the main idea of minimum wage …show more content…
Certainly, it is fair to say that the portrayed intentions of minimum wage are promising. However, one must understand the monetary concept behind this main idea by taking into account the ends of the proposed idea. Why not twenty-dollars as minimum wage? Why not thirty-dollars? Or even a thousand-dollars as minimum wage? As a general overview, minimum wage supporters tend to lie about the terrible idea that minimum wage seeks the common good for everyone. However, it is important to understand that, since employers do not have “a cave with hidden money ” to pay infinite amount of money to employees, therefore employers will only hire people that are experienced and worth paying twenty-dollars per hour per se. In essence, the possibility for young people to acquire a job will reduce extremely. For this reason, this idea violates one of the main principles of ethics — promise-keeping and trustworthiness. That is to say, minimum wage supporters and some politicians interpret this idea in an unreasonably technical or legalistic manner in order to rationalize non-compliance or create justifications for escaping their commitments. That is simply …show more content…
Many might agree that using another person’s vulnerability for one’s own benefit is immoral in all aspects. The idea of implementing minimum wage takes the aforementioned scheme as a justification to prevent employers from exploiting their workers. The essential key point is to ensure that employers provide a decent wage, and, if they do not, they are exploiting their workers. In fact, people ought to get a minimum wage because, in general, nobody should be poor, or people’s needs should be met. We need to be certain about specific aspects in our society, that includes the fact that there are people who lack education and work ethic, and immigrants who are not necessarily familiar with the language, that simply have the need of access to certain basic needs (food, shelter, transportation,