these products! Monsanto is limiting the earth’s ability for a sustainable environment.
Yet, none of this can change due to the amount of power and money this greedy company has made. Monsanto is a monstrously greedy company which is detrimental to the earth’s environment, the heath of humans, and the overall sustainability of the world; yet their power and money are keeping them arise despite of their negative attributes.
Monsanto is a one hundred and fourteen year old public multinational corporation, headquartered in Cree Coeur, Missouri (1). They’re one of the most powerful companies in the United States and its part of the reason why they can’t be stopped. Monsanto was the first private entity to genetically modify plants in 1982 and is now the most prominent agricultural biotech company in the world (2). …show more content…
Monsanto totals about $11.82 million a year in revenue (reported for the year of 2011) and is represented by CEO Hugh Grant. Monsanto under Hugh Grant is reportedly the most powerful lobbying interest in Washington (3). Lobbying is the attempt to influence decisions made by officials in the government. Monsanto has spent more money on lobbying than any other agricultural company. Between the years of 2011-2012 three of their biggest recipients were Clair McCaskill, Barack Obama and Roy Blunt. It’s noted that in the same year, Obama passed the Farmer Assurance Provision law while Roy Blunt worked with Monsanto to craft the language for the law while McCaskill voted in favor for it. Monsanto consistently ranks on top for campaign donations to support their power. Monsanto is noted for spending millions of dollars on advertising a positive public image for Monsanto. Spending $100 million in 2011, $87 million in 2012 and $95 million in 2013(4)! They strategically place their advertisements to reach decision makers, aka voters and important people. In 2013, corporation influence won, Obama passed the HR 993 aka the Monsanto Protection Act (Farmer Assurance Provision law). This act protects genetically engineered agriculture, by allowing companies to not label if their product contains GMOs. This law only lasted six months, but now in the year 2015 an even worse bill has been signed by the House of Representatives. This bill is the H.R 1599, which furthers the power of companies like Monsanto. Monsanto has endless power in the United States, out buying politicians and gaining the ability to further their development of toxicity through the world
Monsanto is killing the natural ecosystem and environment of the earth through genetically modified organisms. GMO’s pose a major threat to the environment. Due to cross-pollination which would essentially eradicate the natural/organic agriculture. Cross-pollination or cross contamination would cause regular natural plants to interbreed with genetically engineered plants. This creates substitution, similar to the effects of an invasive species. The pesticides being implemented in Monsanto’s crops are considered toxic to the beneficial organisms that help protect plants. This toxicity surrounding glyphosate, chemical pesticides and herbicides commonly used with GMOs may be toxic to bees, and butterflies, as well as other organisms. Some researchers suggest that this toxicity from pesticides and herbicides is a direct link to the disappearance of bees (6). Genetically modified organisms also create a monoculture, which is unity of one crop being harvested and planted in row formation. The constant planting and replanting of crops along with the spraying of glyphosate destroys the soil used for planting, resulting in the need to buy more land and continue the process all over again. Yet all these impacts must be looked at in the bigger picture. GMO DNA could potentially end up in soil, compost, animal feed and byproducts and through the air. This in result is showing that the potential damage and takeover of GMOs are a true threat to the environment. As state previously the long term effects of GMOs are unclear, but speculation and some studies suggest that they’re potentially dangerous.
Not only is Monsanto crippling the environment, it’s also capable of diminishing human population. After the banning of Monsanto’s creation DDT in the United States, Monsanto went out to create an alternative product. DDT was directly linked to cancer. This is also a concern for their current brands, Roundup and Roundup ReadyCrops. Round up is an herbicide/pesticide, while Roundup ReadyCrops are genetically engineered crops made for round up. Monsanto has previously falsified information regarding their products. Through years of intensifying exposure, scientists have been documenting the health consequences of Roundup and have found glyphosate in our food, in the water we drink, in the air we breathe and where children play. (8) A study in March of 2015 done by seventeen scientist in the International Agency for Research of Cancer suggest that the product Round Up is a probable or possible carcinogen to humans. Specifically researched by a French branch of the World Health Organization (9) The WCRC ( women cancer resource center )and CHOSE ( coalition for a heath Oakland school environment) showed that the chemical glyphosate can result in reproductive damage as well as damage to the kidney, liver and some studies suggest a link to cancer ( 10) Round up is one of the most toxic herbicides and is the third most commonly reported causes of pesticide related illness in agricultural workers (10) The Round Up label itself proves it’s dangerous to the health of humans. It states that to avoid contact with skin and eyes. Also it is harmful if swallowed. If it’s harmful to be swallowed why is it being sprayed around our crops that we end up digesting? Round Up’s main ingredient glyphosate is found in our food, our water and our air and it’s a probable carcinogen! Monsanto’s products are extremely dangerous to the lives of humans. Monsanto is failing to be a sustainable company and is destroying the overall sustainability of the earth. Sustainability is the ability to meet humanity’s current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. (13) Monsanto is doing this in several ways. The company promotoes pesticide resistance, they do this by Monsanto’s Roundup Readycrops and bt technologies which leads to resistant weed and insects that can make farming harder. This would result in less crops for future generations. Also, glyphosate is very bad for the soil of the land, it kills off the nutrients in it. In correlation with Roundup Readycrops, Monsanto promotes monoculture, which is very bad for the soil too. Monoculture results in degraded soil and less crop yield. This lessening of crop yield would limit the growth of human population and eventually cause it to crash. Roundup is linked to many health risks in humans, causing endangerment for future generations. Monsanto is failing to feed the world too. Monsanto’s biggest defensive is that genetically modified crops will help produce higher yields and in result feed more people, yet it hasn’t done so. If anything this has made it harder to produce more crops and its endangering more people than good. In conclusion, Monsanto is a terrible company which is killing off earth’s environment, endangering humans and is harming the overall sustainability of the earth.
Studies prove that almost all products Monsanto has produced are a negative impact environment and health of organisms. I know for the sake of my own health, I attempt to avoid all genetically modified foods. I refuse to purchase most products if I know they contain any type of genetically modified organism, because I want to see the suppression and death of companies like Monsanto that produce these crops. Monsanto is considerable impossible to shut down, they have too much government associated power and funding backing them up. The continued use of genetically modified organisms will eventually lead to the demise of a natural ecosystems and organic material because everything will be cross-contaminated and disrupted with engineered genes. Who knows what the effects will be fifty years from now, only time can