Is Odysseus a hero or not. The reason that I think that Odysseus is a hero is he has his own way of being one. He is a hero for being there for his men and his family. The reason for believing that Odysseus is a hero is that since the beginning Odysseus helped out a friend get his wife back then on his way home he runs into a few troubles, he gets imprisoned and got freed by the gods, went to the land of the Lotus-eaters, then blinded the Cyclops, had the bag of winds but his men opened it and blew them to Laestrygonians, visited Circe and slept with her, went to Hades to get answers from the ghosts, and sailed by the Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis. Odysseus puts his life in front of the others. But he is mainly …show more content…
He made it clear that he did it but that is also a reason that he is not a hero for blinding the Cyclops. Odysseus should not have told the Cyclops his name. The Cyclops is Poseidon's son. Another reason Odysseus is a hero is (pg 93) “When they had drunk the mix, she flew after them with her long stick, turned them into pigs,and shut them up in her pen.” and then at (pg 97) “Circe, if you want me to eat and drink, you must free my men and bring them to me that I may see them with my own eyes.” and when they sailed passed the Sirens he had his men safe and straped up along with him to keep them safe. Then why did Odysseus sleep with Circe when he had his wife at home. Because of some sources back then sleeping with another woman was ok to do so but if the woman was married and she slept with another man she could be punished. How come Odysseus and Telemachus killed off all the suitors. (pg 182) ”Even if you should give me all you have in the world, I will not stop till i have paid all of you in full.” and that means the suitors took what they couldn't pay for and that for they stole and stealing is bad that's why Odysseus and Telemachus killed the suitors. Is Odysseus a hero or not? Odysseus did way more thing to help his men to keep them safe and then returning to get his land and his wife and son to keep safe. Odysseus is a