Sadie Cox
PSY 316
The University of Nevada Las Vegas
Online education is very common today, particularly in regards to college students. This paper is to examine the difference between online education and conventional, or face-to-face, education. This paper will perform this function by reviewing articles that are related to the topic and by discussing the points of view expressed by said articles. This paper will also include a brief historical overview of distance education to inform the reader on how online education came into existence.
Is Online Education as Effective as Conventional Education
As technology becomes more and more advanced, people want to use it for more and more things in an attempt to make their lives easier. But, when it comes to education, is technology more harmful than helpful?
Most people would likely think that distance education began with the advent of computers, but that is very untrue. In the 1800’s, in England and America, a system was developed called Correspondence Education. Correspondence Education utilized the Postal systems to enable people who could not attend Universities in a conventional manner to still seek an education. Due to the popularity of the Correspondence system the National Home Study Counsel was formed to ensure the quality of student’s education and to deal with other problems of the system ("What is distance," 2005-2011).
As technology progressed, new forms of education were created. At one point in time radios were used, and televisions, and even phones. Now the primary equipment used in distance education is the one thing many people world-wide feel they can’t live without: computers ("What is distance," 2005-2011).
This paper is a review of several articles that relate to online education. Several of said articles will be comparing online education to what is often referred to as “face-to-face” education, but in this paper
References: Daum, D. N. (2012). The status of high school online physical education in the United States Driscoll, A., Jicha, K., Hunt, A. N., Tichavsky, L., & Thompson, G. (2012). Can online courses Deliver in-class results? A comparison of student performance and satisfaction in an Cusumano, M. A. (2013). Technology strategy and Management: Are the costs of ‘free’ too high in online education? Emerson, L., & MacKay, B. (2011). A comparison between paper-based and online learning in higher education What is distance learning?. (2005-2011). Retrieved from