Is Reading Fiction is a Waste of Time?
Reading fiction is not a waste of time. There are many reasons why fictional
books are good to read, but some of the main reasons are: reading fictional literature increases emotional awareness, enhances learning, and reading is good for the mind.!
Fiction is full of emotion. The avid reader feels many emotions and experiences
lives through the characters in the book. As William Styron said, “A great book should leave you with many experiences and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” Emotions that a reader feels, when reading about the characters, increases his/her empathy for others. It also makes him more emotionally aware of his experiences and the way it makes him feel. This is just one reason as to why fictional literature is not a waste of time.!
Fictional books are not all fairy tales. Types of fiction include: comedy, horror,
mystery, romance, sci-fi, adventure, poetry, fantasy, historical fiction, etc. There is a very large spectrum of fiction genres. Some believe that nothing can be learned from fiction.
On the contrary, historical fiction (also known as realistic fiction) can be very informative.
Historical fiction is literature that teaches about the past, but with a few made up or exaggerated details in the story. An example of historical fiction would be the “Dear
Canada” series. It is a Canadian series about fictional girls who wrote about their
experiences, including living through the Great Depression, The Halifax Explosion,
World War II and many more events. This series and many other historical fiction books teach about events in the past, written in a format that is not only interesting but informative for all ages.!
It has always been said that reading is good for the mind. In certain ways, that is
true. Fictional literature helps transport the reader into a different frame of mind. It