Is stock market performance linked to business performance?
Still in the heart of an unprecedented financial crisis, new questions came up about the working of the stock market. In the eyes of general public the stock market can seem a lot like gambling to the extent that this one was reconsidered. The stock market index seems to be valuating at random, especially since the last financial crisis. But the fact that stock market plays an important role in the health of the economy turn impossible this though from general public, which leads us to ask the following question: how the stock market is influenced? We will adopt a general approach and focus on the probable influence of business performance on stock market performance. In order to do so, we collected information and date from Standard and Poor’s source and from specialized source.
Executive summary
The first modern stock market, today called the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was established in 1792 in New York City . The purpose of the stock market is to give the opportunity to companies to open themselves up to public investment in order to raise capital.
The stock market is composed of a primary market and a secondary market. The primary market is where a company sells shares for the first time or issues new ones. In the secondary market investors trade securities or assets with other investors, the cash proceeds from transactions go to the investors instead of the company. At this point companies do not have direct control over their stock’s price.
There are several areas of influences that affect the stock’s price, which are the wider environment, the supply and demand driven by investors confident, government monetary policy, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the unemployment and the Fisher Effects. When these influences are understand it is helpful to predict the stock’s price forecast in order to buy or sell.
However, even if companies do not have