11 February 2014
The Journey of a Dream
For years many immigrant parents have told their children about their journey for the American Dream and how they have worked hard to give their children a better life with more opportunities. In the article “Is the American Dream Over?” Thomas states, “One might reasonably expect a new generation to achieve a better life than their parents and grandparents experienced. But what defines “better”.” How does the American Dream give people better lives? I believe that the American Dream gives people the opportunity to build a stable foundation for the families to grow on. The foundation that would allow them to gain freedom and education, the jobs, and the lives they have always …show more content…
When first coming to this country and figuring out where life is taking you, you need to find any job possible. Most of the time the common jobs that people first starting out their American dream get are jobs that involve working in factories, or working in the fields. To many Americans these are jobs we wouldn’t pick to have or we think aren’t worth having, but these are the kind of jobs people seeking the American dream need, the jobs they can’t afford to pass up. Working for the low paying jobs is what they need to have to push toward that education, to push toward that American dream. These jobs are what help them get on their feet, they might be getting paid lower then minimum wage but without that small amount of money they wouldn’t be able to get any food on the …show more content…
Achieving a goal like the American dream is never easy, it takes more work then anyone could imagine. A little more work could never stop someone from reaching that dream because they came here for one reason, to start over with a better life. It is easy for anyone to just give up but for the immigrants trying to start over they look back at the life they have back home and know that the lifestyle they once had isn’t good for their families. They want something so much better, not only for their children but also for their children’s children and so on. They are creating that foundation for generations to come. So by having to compete a little more because of low jobs, budget cuts, or anything else doesn’t mean that the American dream has disappeared. It will always be there; immigrants will just have to work that much harder to reach their goal.
Without the American Dream there are people who wouldn’t get the opportunity to become nurses, doctors, lawyers, teachers, we wouldn’t have some of those people because without the American Dream they wouldn’t be here today. Whether you are an immigrant or you were born here in America we all have an American dream so I believe that it does and it will always exist. It maybe harder to achieve sometimes but that doesn’t make in impossible, if people think it doesn’t exist anymore that just means they aren’t dedicated enough