They came together at the Second Continental Congress and created the Articles of Confederation in 1777. It created a system where the weak central government derives its power from the strong individual states, in other words a federation. With continuous failures like the inability to pay war debt, Shay’s Rebellion, and different states allying with different opposing countries, the new national government did not have the ability to raise taxes, have a standing army, nor create foreign trade agreement. The Articles began to implode on itself, and only lasted a decade before being replaced. 55 delegates convened together in Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention. The Framers wrote a simply worded, yet complex piece of legislation that required a lot of compromise. The Constitution, ratified in 1789, laid out the blueprint on how the federal government is supposed to be conducted (O’Connor …show more content…
Roosevelt, there was a major increase in governmental activity. Teddy Roosevelt, who was in office until 1909, was responsible for the implementation of many domestic policies, like the creation of the national parks, forests, and monuments, breaking up large trust companies, and regulation of the railroads. A couple years after he left office, his groomed successor William Taft presided over the ratification of the 16th Amendment, which gives Congress the authority to raise taxes. In 1929, the Great Depression caused one of the biggest devastations in American history. With no end in sight, the people elected FDR, who promised to effect instant change. His first 100 days in office was labeled The New Deal, where he asked Congress to pass the bills he proposed, and being so desperate for the Depression to end, they cooperated. His administration focused on the ‘3 R’s’: Relief, Recovery, and Reform. These were to relieve the poor, recover the economy, and reform finances so this doesn’t happen again(Berkin 629, 2011). The Federal Government was expanded to the likes we have never seen, but the expansion was necessary. The New Deal, along with World War Two relieved the Great Depression, but the government could not go back to the way it was, too many people was dependent upon the new social programs. Although these social programs were blessing for the poorer Americans, those who were better off, did not