“Is the Confederate Flag a symbol of racism or Southern pride?” When one hears the words red, white, and blue the immediate thought travels to the American flag, but there is another red, white, and blue in the United States; the Confederate flag. There are many conflicting thoughts surrounding the Confederate flag. Is it a symbol or racism because of its historical significance or is it a symbol of “Southern Pride” because the South created it? The Confederate flag is seen as a symbol of racism because of the leaders who succeed from the Union and stood under the flag, the racial tension created in school districts, and the statistics recorded. The Confederate States of America were formed in the 1861, following the formation of the States a flag needed to be created for the new nation. The flag was to resemble the United States of America flag, but the flag was also to be different. The flag was to be similar to the United States because some still felt allegiance to the Union. The first Confederate flag proposed replaced the stripes with two red bars and a white bar. The Confederate flag also added seven stars, one for the each state that was apart of the Confederate States of America. The flags official appearance was at the inauguration of Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederate States of America. As more states joined the Confederacy more stars were added. Thirteen states in total were on the flag to represent, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, and Kentucky. The problem with the Confederate Flag was presented during the Battle of Bull Run because the purpose of a battle flag was to help soldiers identify who is on what side, but the flag was so similar to the United States Flag confusion ensued. General P.G.T. Beauregrad suggested that the Confederate flag be changed to something that did not resemble the United States. The
“Is the Confederate Flag a symbol of racism or Southern pride?” When one hears the words red, white, and blue the immediate thought travels to the American flag, but there is another red, white, and blue in the United States; the Confederate flag. There are many conflicting thoughts surrounding the Confederate flag. Is it a symbol or racism because of its historical significance or is it a symbol of “Southern Pride” because the South created it? The Confederate flag is seen as a symbol of racism because of the leaders who succeed from the Union and stood under the flag, the racial tension created in school districts, and the statistics recorded. The Confederate States of America were formed in the 1861, following the formation of the States a flag needed to be created for the new nation. The flag was to resemble the United States of America flag, but the flag was also to be different. The flag was to be similar to the United States because some still felt allegiance to the Union. The first Confederate flag proposed replaced the stripes with two red bars and a white bar. The Confederate flag also added seven stars, one for the each state that was apart of the Confederate States of America. The flags official appearance was at the inauguration of Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederate States of America. As more states joined the Confederacy more stars were added. Thirteen states in total were on the flag to represent, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, and Kentucky. The problem with the Confederate Flag was presented during the Battle of Bull Run because the purpose of a battle flag was to help soldiers identify who is on what side, but the flag was so similar to the United States Flag confusion ensued. General P.G.T. Beauregrad suggested that the Confederate flag be changed to something that did not resemble the United States. The