judicial process for capital cases. According to http://www.deathpenalty.org/article.php?id=42 More than 3500 men and women have received this sentence in California since 1978 and NOT ONE has been released, except those few individuals who were able to prove their innocence. California could save $1 billion over five years by replacing the death penalty with permanent imprisonment. California taxpayers pay $90,000 more per death row prisoner each year than on prisoners in regular confinement.
California Cost Studies:
Executing the Will of the Voters: A Roadmap to Mend or End the California Legislature's Multi-Billion-Dollar Death Penalty Debacle (2011)
California has spent more than $4 billion on capital punishment since it was reinstated in 1978 (about $308 million for each of the 13 executions carried out)
California spends an additional $184 million on the death penalty per year because of the additional costs of capital trials, enhanced security on death row, and legal representation.
The study’s authors predict that the cost of the death penalty will reach $9 billion by 2030.
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Texas has become ground zero for capital punishment.
Between 1976 (when the Supreme Court lifted its prohibition on the death penalty) in 1998 Texas executed 167 people. Next in rank was Virginia which executed 60 during the same period. So I would personally say it is strictly political to appease the public. I feel like vengeance is God’s when it comes to murder, unless someone is trying to physically harm you, your family members, or someone close to you, other than that you take away a man or woman’s life when place them in incarceration for multiple years. No, I believe Texas has motives on their own. He who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones at others, remember this verse, I always think about this when it comes to this subject. So I personally believe that death should be left up to God unless it is self-defense. Because what if it was our son or daughter at the other end of that needle, guilty or perhaps