This is largely because of the way we read on the internet and the amount of data the internet has. The modern generation has developed this way of reading where they hop from one site to the next. Whatever article catches their attention, they jump to it without finishing the article they were previously on. This hopping method also has a lot to do with the amount of information on the internet. The internet is the world’s biggest library. Human beings are curious creatures so it is natural for people to want to know everything there is. This thirst for knowledge makes people hop from one site to the next. People want to know everything that catches their attention. Ten interviewees were asked if they lose concentration when they read. Jay Patel, a student from the class of 2019 at the University of Bridgeport, said “Yes, I lose concentration when I am reading mainly because of all the distractions on the internet.” Seven out of the ten interviewees replied with a form of yes. Most of the seven interviewees claimed that they are easily distracted, but only if the topic they are reading isn’t something that interests them. The remaining three interviewees claimed that they don’t lose concentration at all no matter what they read. Jay was the first to admit that the internet was the reason he was distracted. Most people don’t realize how easily they can get distracted on the internet. One minute you are doing research for your English essay, and the next you’re on TMZ reading about the latest exploits of Kim
This is largely because of the way we read on the internet and the amount of data the internet has. The modern generation has developed this way of reading where they hop from one site to the next. Whatever article catches their attention, they jump to it without finishing the article they were previously on. This hopping method also has a lot to do with the amount of information on the internet. The internet is the world’s biggest library. Human beings are curious creatures so it is natural for people to want to know everything there is. This thirst for knowledge makes people hop from one site to the next. People want to know everything that catches their attention. Ten interviewees were asked if they lose concentration when they read. Jay Patel, a student from the class of 2019 at the University of Bridgeport, said “Yes, I lose concentration when I am reading mainly because of all the distractions on the internet.” Seven out of the ten interviewees replied with a form of yes. Most of the seven interviewees claimed that they are easily distracted, but only if the topic they are reading isn’t something that interests them. The remaining three interviewees claimed that they don’t lose concentration at all no matter what they read. Jay was the first to admit that the internet was the reason he was distracted. Most people don’t realize how easily they can get distracted on the internet. One minute you are doing research for your English essay, and the next you’re on TMZ reading about the latest exploits of Kim