The mind body problem is a philosophical problem that is concerned with the relationship between the mind and the body, whether the mind exists independently of the body or whether the mind and body are one substance. There is a vital difference between the mind and the body some would say, meaning that the mind is held responsible for mental elements such as pain, euphoria, desire, purpose, belief and kindness whereas the body is responsible for the physical elements such as mass, size, location, force, and even a pencil. These categories are very debateable and this is the cause of the mind-body problem.
It is arguable that the mind and body exist independently of one another, so they are not one substance and evidence given that support this claim are that there is no plain in the brain where electric stimulation can cause a person to believe or decide; although our thoughts can be true of false, nobody can know what we are thinking by measuring brain waves. In order for someone to know what we are thinking we must be asked. Our minds are why we have thoughts and this cannot be measured by our brain waves because our minds are separate to our brains which are physical. Our heart can be measured by the amount of times it beats per minute, because it is the same substance as body, however this cannot be done with our minds because our minds are not the same substance and they exist independently.
The fact that we have out of body experiences during near death experiences can show that we are not always with our bodies but with our minds. What I mean by this is that if our minds and bodies were the same substance, we would not have these out of body experiences because we wouldn’t need to as our mind and body are the same. However, because we have these experiences it shows that we escape from our body into our deep, inner thoughts that allow us to experiences these out of body experiences. It is almost as if we are