1999-58057 Third Paper
Is the Philippines ready for Borderless Education?
An Assessment of the absorption capability of the present Philippine Education System for e-learning courses.
In view of the directions towards a Knowledge-Based Economy, one of the challenges is ensuring that the country is connected to the present economic trend. In education, a lot of online learning systems have been introduced, and developed. This furthers the acquisition of knowledge, not to mention accessibility. We are starting to witness another innovation in the education sector addressing lifelong learning and continuing education. The new global principle has espoused global citizenship where borders are no longer seen as barriers.
Borderless Education is the next big thing in the education sector. With the onset of e-learning and online courses, it’s now getting much easier to learn a new skill, be knowledgeable about a specific topic and get mentored even by experts.
In my assessment whether the Philippines is ready to join the game, I have considered two aspects - the current state of Philippine Education System, and the technology to host a nationwide online learning campaign.
The first is crucial, because we all know that the Philippine Education System is probably one of the most studied education systems in the world. And results of these studies only show recurring problems, seldom are there resolutions and implementation of recommendations.
The latter is forward-looking. In order to put ourselves in playing field, then we need to have the technology to do so.
The Philippine Task Force for Education, which was created in 2007 and served under the Arroyo Administration for almost three (3) years, was mandated to address prevailing concerns of the education system. They would address issues like increasing drop-out rates, and decreasing
References: Proceedings of the First Biennial National Congress on Education. 2009. Presidential Task Force for Education. Office of the PA for Education, Office of the President, Malacanang, Manila. Philippine E-Learning Society. www.pels.org Vibal Publishing Inc. e-Turo.