Under the presidency of Barack Obama, Americas total government dept is estimated to be $16.8 trillion by the end of the year, compared to $441 billion for Greece. Per person, this makes out to be around $53,400 for every man, woman and child compared to that of $39,000 in Greece. The US per person dept is 35 percent higher than Greece. Economic freedom has also declined, with the United States now at 10th place in the world rankings.
America’s education system is now 17 and falling even further behind. This decline, in time will cause a negative impact on its position as a superpower as its workforce won’t be as good as that of other countries, where they will be having a large economic growth at the same time as the USA will be declining in power. The USA was once in the lead for collage graduation, however, they have dropped down to 12th.
In the US, currently there are 23,500,000 out of work, with 43,000,000 on welfare, which is the highest in US history.
At this point on the cycle of trade deficits and surpluses, America’s trade is in a Trade deficit which has declined, basically meaning that it is importing more than it is exporting. America is on the cusp of declining at all times and it is forecast to probably to decline in the future but what America is very good at, is reinventing themselves to keep one step ahead from its competitors, for example the US has been educating brilliant IT minds who have lead the world in bringing new software like cloud platforms that we didn’t have 20 years ago, we had actual hardware with brands like DELL but they have since gone into decline because the south east Asian manufactures