The world history has had the three biggest collapses. The first world recession was in 1900 – 1903. It was a small collapse when manufacturing fall down by 2.3%, Russia had the biggest damage, because economic crisis has coincided with a poor harvest. The second world recession was in 1907, when a manufacturing fell down by 5%. The biggest damages had the “United States of America (15%)” (Pelaez 15) and “Great Britain (6%)”(Blakey 29). Finally, the most famous collapse was in 1920 as a consequence of the First World War (time of military conversion). It was a period when the second economic part passed in to the third. It was a time of “Great depression” when on 29 October 1929 (day of “Black Thursday”) shares tumbled and damage was over “$10 billion , 30 million unemployed, the United States of America did not give credits to Germany, Germany stopped pay reparations, Great Brittan and France stopped to repay”(History ).
Let`s look at present economic situation and find preconditions of the world recession. Economic scientist from all over the world are predicting fourth recession and giving dates “2020-2030” (Yerokhina 3). But the world recession is a long process and gives fix date of start and end – silly, we will understand
Citations: 1. Black, John. A Dictionary of Economics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Aug. 2003. 2. Blakey, George. A History of the London Stock Market 1945-2007. 5th edition. Petersfield, 25 Feb. 2008. 3. Cassara Amy and Christian Layke. Tomorrow 's Markets. New York: World Resources Institute, 2002. 4. Erochina, Elena. The theory of economic development Aug. 2003 <> 5. Gallatin, James. The National Debt, Taxation, Currency and Banking System of the USA. New York: Kessinger Publishing, Oct.2007. 6. Pelaez ,Carlos M. and Carlos A. Pelaez. Global Recession Risk Apr. 2007 7. “History” RBC.RU <> 6 Mar. 2008. 8. “Warren Buffett declares America in recession” TIMESONLINE.CO.UK 3 Mar.2008. 9 Mar 2008 <>. 9. “We are waiting for global recession” ZAVTRA.COM 31 aug. 2007. 8 Mar. 2008 <>